OJCL Torch Winter Torch 2020 | Page 15

OJCLers showing off their awards from NJCL convention Although this concluded the morning celebrations, individual grade levels continued the celebrations in the classroom. For example, Latin V chose to have their own special white elephant gift exchange. And throughout the day, Latin classes sang along karaoke-style to some classic winter holiday songs in Latin, including “O Abies,” “Tinniunt,” and “Sit Prosperus Iesus Nati.” After all, there’s no better way to get Latin Club members in the holiday spirit. Every year, Saturnalia is the one event that I look forward to the most. It’s the only thing that can compel me and fifty other students to wake up early on a school day just to eat some cereal, watch some sacrifices, and exchange some gifts. This past Saturnalia was a hit, and I can’t wait for next year. Bexley Chapter Update! The Bexley High School chapter of the JCL was reinstated this fall with the arrival of a new Latin teacher, Ms. Jackie Lund, who has previously been involved in the Georgia and Virginia JCLs. We currently have 29 registered members, and have enjoyed participating in Fall Forum and the Central MADD at the Childhood League Center. So far this year, we’ve celebrated Saturnalia and the October Horse festival, learned how to play certamen, designed all new club merch, played trigon, fought with gladiators in VR, and learned all about the friendly hand of JCL. We can’t wait to participate in our first OJCL state convention in many page 14 years this March! We are also looking forward to Lupercalia, Ides of March, and Rome’s Birthday celebrations this semester.