1) Topographically, one of the more diverse regions of Europe is the Alps. The Alps lie to the North of Rome. Ireland is also a region north of Rome. What would the Romans have called Ireland?
2) Bearing its name from a despicable Roman deity that was uninvited to the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, what application is known for its countless servers?
3) What did Romans wear in order to get their toesiewosies warm during the colder parts of the year?
4) Name this single we put into Latin: Ferocissima Somnia
5) During Julius Caesar’s Gallic campaigns, he sent his legions around Gaul to hiberna. What were the hibernia?
6) What is the Roman sort-of-equivalent of Valentine’s Day?
7) Mars is the god of war. However, Bruno Mars, a popular singer, tends to write about a contrary idea, love! Who is the Roman god of love?
8) Translate this pickup line: Tu es tam callida, ardeas Troiam.
9) What emperor famously watched Rome burn whilst playing his fiddle?
10) What is "Don't touch me" in Latin?
Winter 2023