OJCL Torch Winter 2019 | Page 7

entirely different than last year or the year before that, but "See you next convention?" has a different tone to it now. Not of sorrow or fear, but a tone of gratefulness for many wonderful years spent together. Catullus once wrote “Soles occidere et redire possunt.” Suns can rise and set again. This year, our convention theme holds both an inspiring and melancholic message. Through my years in the JCL, I have seen students move on, with many more rise up in the years behind me. It’s a cycle of life that this year has pointed out especially. I suppose, then, that the only way to make time go slower is to make the most memories possible. The memories, for instance, of an anonymous senior running in circles holding up an empty beef jerky bag just to make his last OJCL convention special. To this end I exhort you, as much as I am able, to make this convention, whether your first or your last, a convention worth remembering.