Greek Mythology and
Parliamentarian Krish Gupta, Seven Hills
Oftentimes when we learn about Greek mythology, we are led to believe that there is
no longer a group of people who follow the same religion as they once did during
the classical period. But is this really true? You may be surprised to learn that
Hinduism, a polytheistic religion followed by people across an entire continent and
mountain range, has similarities to Greek mythology. In fact, the similarities are so
astonishing, that you might begin to believe that they are the same religion. Here are
4 similarities between Hindu and Classical Mythology:
#1. The Holy Trinity
In Greek mythology, the three supreme gods of the universe are Zeus
of the Sky, Poseidon of the Sea, and Hades of the underworld. In a
similar fashion, Hinduism has three Supreme Gods named Brahma the
Creator, Vishnu the Protector, and Shiva the Destroyer.