Ohio State University offers a wide range of undergraduate studies in their Department of Classics. Featuring courses on the history, culture, and languages of ancient Greece and Rome, the classics program at OSU has something for everyone. Therefore, many students who are studying Latin and/or in the JCL should consider Ohio State when looking for a strong classics program to get involved with in college.
In terms of Latin courses, Ohio State offers everything from Elementary Latin I to Roman Philosophy and readings from Vergil and Cicero. Many of the classes are highly specialized in areas that high school Latin classes would not be able to study as in-depth. There are even accelerated options for students who want to get through more material.
However, Latin is far from the only area of study offered at Ohio State. The program also focuses heavily on Greek culture and language, with many courses in those areas. There are also many classical history classes which combine Latin and Greek studies to explore various classical eras. Dedicated students can even pursue a variety of graduate studies in the classics.
For students who like the community aspect that the OJCL offers, Ohio State also has its own Classics Club which promotes the study of the classics on and off campus. The club is a great way to extend upon high school Latin clubs.
Overall, the Ohio State Department of Classics is perfect for anyone interested in the study of Latin or the classics in college. The range of courses is diverse, and it makes Ohio State a great option for OJCL students to consider.
Ohio State University
Marcus Grewal, Columbus Academy
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