OJCL Torch Spring 2017 | Page 34

The Columbus Academy Latin Club had a great time at state convention this year, and we are already anxiously awaiting the next one! In the meantime, the club has been busy thinking of projects to bring the OJCL together throughout the next year. However, we have not had much time to meet since state convention. With a rapidly growing Latin program, we are finding that our Latin club has many more members than before. Therefore, we are trying to establish more leadership positions with different responsibilities in the club. This should allow for a lighter workload for each officer and more opportunities for motivated and committed students. We hope to see many other delegates from other schools between conventions, and we wish to contribute to the JCL in any way we can!

St. Edward

Owen Kranz

The sign-ups for certamen teams were coming to a close. Mr. Cavoli sent out a desperate last minute email to appeal to any and all Latin I students to join the team. Six brave students with an extraordinary skill in Latin answered this call. Neither Liam Brian, Andy Hoffman, Chase Justice, Jack Stalla, Nathan Stuart, nor Joey Zacharyasz had ever touched a certamen buzzer before (in classic St. Eds fashion) and yet they came, they saw, and they trampled their opponents. They buzzed their way into the finals against Summit. It was a true David versus Goliath. Final question. All tied up. The suspense could have been cut with a knife. David releases his sling and it shoots past Goliath’s ear. Tartar sauce. It was valiant effort that had people on the edge of their seats and we are all proud of these students for being runners up. We are already betting on them for next year.

Along with this, many scholars from St. Eds won other awards. With 4 state titles, 10 runners up awards, and 55 other 3rd through 10th place finishes, the Knights of the Tiber were all extremely happy with our showing at this year’s state Latin convention.

On the bus ride back to Cleveland, we had a lovely discussion on changes that should be made to the Knights of the Tiber. There were many great ideas, none of which have been implemented yet, because Convention is a year away and that is all stuff to do, like, a week before it starts.

Columbus Academy

Marcus Grewal

34 OJCL TORCH: Chapter Updates Spring MMXVII https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjB6MPV-L3RAhVMNiYKHUL8A4EQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmagistrabush.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F09%2F23%2Fjcl-t-shirt-contest%2F&psig=AFQjCNHBUl5DxFMgey96R-DH1Oh37W6Q0A&ust=1484356401987376

Ursuline Academy's first post-Convention meeting was filled with excitement from the past weekend's events. Club members shared their favorite parts and what they looked forward to next year. The remnants of the bag of Swedish fish that Mr. Ligon brought up to Columbus was happily passed around. Then, there was a brainstorming session where all club members shared their thoughts on how to improve the club for next year and make Convention even more enjoyable for the Ursuline Delegation. There has been a motion to remodel the positions of officers to more closet resemble that of the OJCL and to begin preparation for club projects earlier in advance. Also, the delegation has decided to compose more cheers and have an official list that the entire club will work to remember. There are only a few remaining meetings for the year, but they will have a full agenda of wrapping up this year and planning for next year.


Sophia Jacobs