Why You Should Come to OJCL Convention
Hanna Zandvakili, Indian Hill
For the past 67 years, students all across Ohio have come together to share the love of classics we all carry in the State Convention. This weekend of Latin on overdrive is an incredible experience where social, artistic, and academic spheres collide. The flow of Latin scholars, artists, and those who simply love the community continually amazes me. Every year I have experienced something new and amazing, and every year I love that I am part of an event that keeps alive the so-called “dead” language.
One wonderful part of the OJCL Convention is that it isn’t just the three days we have all together; rather, it starts much earlier in the year. There’s something for everyone to get ready for. Students skilled in oratory prepare for various creative arts, while more artistic students begin to create gorgeous pieces. Many students also take strong interest in the academic aspect of Convention.
What makes up most of our time at Convention are all of the fun and interactive events. From the competitive Jeopardy!-style matches of Certamen to the empowering community service events like Project Linus and Card Making for Hospitalized Kids to simply hanging out with new and old friends, delegates spend time together with amazing people.
All in all, there are so many moments to enjoy during the State Convention each year.
Since I started attending in 2013, I have found myself drawn closer and closer to the OJCL. I myself love to meet new people at States while participating in the various activities. I was once like you, unsure if I should make the effort and try to come to the OJCL State Convention. After making the leap to join the JCL I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my Latin career. I wholeheartedly encourage you to attend and experience what it’s like to be a JCLer. The close knit group of people become a second family that you can’t wait to see again each year.
State convention is an amazing part of my life, and I know it can be an amazing part of yours if you give it a try. Come next year on March 9, and you’ll see why so many people call the OJCL their home away from home.
Above Left: The St. Ursula delegation cheering during Spirit at the 3rd GA
Above Right: Candidates for office from Summit Country Day pose with their intro speakers before their speeches.