Classic Knot-a-Toga
Materials: Sheet (not square), maybe a friend
Recommended for: formal toga wearing
***Nota Bene: all togas look good with belts, however, only togas which require belts are listed here with belts as a material
1. Hold toga longways so the short end extends towards the ground
*The toga should end between knee and floor
*If too short (what kind of sheet are you using? Towels do not count)
*If too long, ensure you are holding the toga longways then lay toga on the floor and fold up to the desired length
*If the toga is folded use one of the folded side corners for the following step
2. Take one of the corners (with the short end hanging towards the floor) and measure one fist full of fabric then pinch below and bring up to your left shoulder
3. Holding the pinch above your collarbone pull the sheet across to your right armpit so it is tight across your chest
4. Spread your legs slightly past a shoulder-width apart
10 OJCL TORCH: Voices Spring MMXVII