OJCL Torch Fall 2022 | Page 3

Service Updates: What’s Happened So Far And What’s To Come!

One of the aspects of the OJCL is community service. Service events are organized by the Second Vice President and the Gubernators and occur throughout the year in each of the three regions (North, Central, and South)! OJCLers of all ages, sponsors, and those interested in getting involved are encouraged to attend and play a role in helping their local community!  The 2022-23 service events are off to a great start with the kick-off at the Pre-Nats Pic-Nics over the Summer! The North Region picked up trash and litter around the Cleveland Cultural Gardens at their pic-nic, planned by the North Gubernator, Lilyana Gundayao. Attendees of The Central Pre-Nats Pic-Nic, planned by the Central Gubernator, Eva Merkoziaj, brought gently used books to donate. Lastly, the South Region made spirit posters for OJCLers to use at Nationals at their pic-nic, organized by the South Gubernator, Daniel Kim. Special thanks to the Gubers for their diligent work in planning and organizing the pic-nics!  Every year, each of the three regions has a service activity in October or November or Dexenveto help the local community as part of Make A Difference Day. In past years events have included: a prom for senior citizens at a retirement home, clean-up of debris at a historic cemetery after a severe wind storm, planting trees in a park dedicated to environmental education, and a Halloween festival for kids in need. [South has already participated in their MADD, working on trail maintenance at California Woods. This event was organized by Daniel Kim.North, also participated in theirs helping with a toy and clothing donation. This event was organized by Eva Merkoziaj ] Be excited for your region’s MADD! 

-Natalie Allen

Updates From Your Officers


image courtesy of Patrick Biernat

Spirit Updates: Nationals and The Union Against Texas

“OH!”, “IO”, the staple cheer of the OJCL booms throughout the repurposed rodeo. The Ohio delegation was a force to be reckoned with during Spirit at the National Latin Convention. Cheering valiantly, we placed on two separate occasions for medium states, getting 2nd both times. But the highlight of the even was the spirit war against Texas. Orchestrated by one of OJCL’s own Parliamentarian, Wali Khan, the forces of six delegations combined to take on and dethrone the Lone Star behemoth.  

-Nicholas Stanis

Parliamentary Updates: Constitution and By-Laws Status Update

The first draft of the new OJCL constitution has received input from NJCL Chair Mr. Compton, the three State Chairs, and the OJCL Board. The second draft is underway, soon to receive final input from NJCL Chair Mr. Compton. The By-Laws' first draft is currently being drafted alongside the new State Chair Handbook.

-Wali Khan