OJCL Torch Fall 2021 | Page 25


The OJCL is currently in one of the best positions to make a revision to their constitution. Mr. Brian Compton of CHCA is currently sitting as the NJCL’s Constitutional Advisor. With this role, he worked very closely with Annie in revising the NJCL constitution and his insight is invaluable in a revision any JCL constitution. Furthermore, there are some glaring inconsistencies in our constitution and By-Laws. One such flaw is the mention of a student officer webmaster which does not presently existing as a position of the Executive Board.

A revision of the OJCL Constitution may not be necessary, but it would make the organization to look more whole and professional. Adopting a new constitution, like the NJCL, will help to make a more cohesive OJCL and assist new and future OJCLers.