OJCL Torch Fall 2017 | Page 31

A JCLove Letter to the Best Delegation in the World Taylor McGowan , OJCL Editor
A JCLove Letter to the Best Delegation in the World Taylor McGowan , OJCL Editor
I love the OJCL .
You ’ ve probably already figured that out — after all , I probably wouldn ’ t be writing this letter to you guys if I didn ’ t love you — but that doesn ’ t mean I ’ ll ever stop saying it . I could never say it enough .
I was in eighth grade when I attended my first state convention . Believe or not , I didn ’ t come willingly ; when I told my Latin teacher I didn ’ t want to go to some boring nerd convention , he signed me up anyway . ( Thanks , Dr . Gruber . I owe you big time .) Before I knew it , I was stuffing a bedsheet into a duffel bag and trudging into the lobby of the infamous Ramada , wearing an oversized CA Latin Club t-shirt and a scowl . I had already drawn all the necessary conclusions to pass judgment on this weird OJCL thing : it was boring , there were too many people , and I couldn ’ t find where anything was . I ’ d barely stepped inside before I wanted to go home .
Then the convention began in earnest … and I fell head-overheels in love .
It was a whirlwind romance at its finest : dizzying , fast-paced , and joyful beyond words . With each Certamen question I answered , I grinned a little wider . With every test bubble I colored in , I felt a little lighter . With every new friend I made , I laughed a little louder . Over the course of that spectacular weekend , the OJCL found its way into my reluctant heart and filled a space I hadn ’ t even known to be vacant .
Now , flash-forward . I ’ m a senior now , a Latin 5 student who has already faced the bloodthirsty beast of the Latin AP and somehow emerged with her sanity — and love for the language — intact . I have poured my time , energy , and soul into eight conventions , including four Nationals . The OJCL tops my list of extracurriculars on the Common App . And , best of all , I can finally say what I ’ ve dreaming of saying ever since my very first convention in March 2014 : my name is Taylor McGowan , and I am your OJCL Editor . I love the OJCL ; that goes without saying . You ’ ll probably get tired of hearing it . But I will never , ever get tired of saying it .