Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 20 | Page 51




The Editorial by redOUane malek

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In November 8th , 2016 , Modi the Prime Minister of India surprised his country in the indifference of the world captured by American elections , by his decision to demonetize notes of 500 and 1000 Rupees , justifying it by the obligation to wage war on tax avoidance and corruption . Being partisan of Gandhi quotation about the true morality (*) with the effigy of whom he marked the new notes of 2000 Rupees , Modi stakes his all , not only in his country , but also for all those in the world , who expect the success of such challenge of demonetization , in order to draw their inspiration from the model , without including the rest , all those who cursed him and bank on his failure to perpetuate in their interference the sound economy of their country . Other place , same history but in the opposite direction , in Algeria , the General Accounting Office in its sheet balance of 2014 , surprises Algerian people who are not indifferent , revealing that the equivalent of about 110 billion dollars ( 11393.347 billion dinars ) of recorded tax duties were not recovered , and that only 1.27 cumulated over the past years from 110 billion dollars were collected ( unbelievable !). 110 billion dollars , a sum equivalent to our current exchange reserves , which continues however to decrease day by day , while the value of non recoveries continues to increase . Question at a depreciated dinar : must we demonetize notes of 500 DA and 1000 DA to recover this fabulous kitty ? A right / gain according to some Algerian people who are “ supposed ” to pay their dues , but who don ’ t pay them off for the benefit of all Algerian people , and it is not the salaried employees subject to withholding tax , who are millions who would think the opposite for a while . Did Modi act as man of thought , or think about his decision as a man of action ( Henri Bergson dixit philosopher )? For a nation which represents the first growth in the world since two years , is it true faced with a population of 1.2 billion people among which 700 millions cursed of earth , can one manage a hard overthrow within two months in order to lay one ’ s hand on 400 billion dollars and control everything , without having found the true path ? With a 30 times less population , Algerian government could not be able within six months of efforts and expectation , to collect the equivalent of 4 billion of dollars , a big part of which is in the form of “ New Year ’ s gift ” coming from institutions , companies and public establishments . Between the overthrow of Modi in his visionary quest to modernize his country and the velvet stroke of bond issue of Algeria in its efforts to offset its deficit , the OPEC meeting in Vienna on November 30th , as a promising oasis for a lost in desert , gives a break to Algeria and its fellows , to cause salutary disequilibrium , and put an end to the disadvantageous policy of the general balance , a break which shall need a deep intrepidity of governors to cut the head of tax immunized hydra .
* 8 November 1948 during Gandhi murderer proceedings , this latter to justify his crime took over the famous quotation on the true morality , Gandhi considering that ‘ True morality consists not in following the beaten track , but in finding the true path for ourselves , and fearlessly following it ’, we have to admit that every priest praises his own relics .
conference of organization of Petroleum exporting countries OPeC SUPPOrtS ‘ algierS aCCOrd ’
outside-oPec countries rUSSia : Strategy Of vOlUntary diSeqUilibriUm
alioune badara ba , Managing director of aggreko algeria sPa ��������� SOlUtiOnS fOr �����������
umberto torresan , executive Manager algeria at duPont sustainable solutions , tells us what are the goals of duPont in algeria ������������������ tO Start by Offering OUr indUStrial COnSUlting ����������
OIL & GAS buSIneSS / nuMÉRO 20 / d É ceM b R e 2016 / 51