Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 14 | Page 50

english issue

resources , and the diversity of its territory , Algeria is a unique situation , because it has considerable competitive advantages that it is not tapping ; worse still , it seems to ignore them when designing investment policies . These advantages are significant and would serve to develop its industry for local needs and export . The sectors in which Algeria could become a leading regional leader are many . They include : tourism , agriculture , building materials , agribusiness , energy , petrochemicals , construction , and public works . A good strategy would be to develop these areas and establish a national system of project aid in these areas . But today , we note that investments are made in various areas that are not necessarily profitable for Algeria . In this regard , we may ask the question of whether Algeria can develop the auto industry . Unfortunately , the answer is no , because we do not have all the assets at our disposal and the vehicles we produce will always be more expensive compared with those manufactured in countries have taken the lead in this industrial segment . On the other hand , can Algeria become a regional power in solar energy ? The answer is yes .
Will the implementation of the import licensing system be sufficient to restore order in this area and reduce the burden of the import bill on the trade balance ? The import licensing system is a short-term measure to curb the soaring import bill . It cannot be a lasting solution because it encourages corruption and cronyism . What is more , this system is frowned upon by our partners who are concerned that the Algerian market might become closed . This administrative measure has been taken but it does not deal with the chronic disease of the weakness of our industry .
Revitalizing the Algiers Stock Exchange has been highlighted in recent weeks to reach a capitalization of 10 billion in three to five years as a dozen companies are expected to be quoted on the stock exchange . Most of these companies are public groups . What are the prospects for the country ? This is an important lever to accelerate the development of the economy . The Stock Exchange can help us in many ways . First , the public sector will be open
to investors and as a corollary governance of public companies will be changed . Without change , these companies will not attract individual shareholders who are demanding in terms of transparency and governance . Another positive point is the recycling of informal businesses , because the stock market provides a quick way to inject funds from this area into the real economy . It is also a way to develop Algerian assets as it will provide an additional source of income that is not negligible with the risks associated with investments . All these points are contingent on the fact that the government is changing the paradigm on the economy by adopting a less cautious stance and letting economic actors play their role of investors .
50 / OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 14 / Avril 2016