Bioremediation is using the environment to combat oil spills. Using biostimulation and biofermentation scientists have been able to control oil spills and not harm the environment more in the process.
Oil eating bacteria is present in our oceans’ ecosystems, and biostimulation is using different ways to increase the “natural flora” that is already present. By modifying the environment, we can stimulate the bacteria to increase.
An example of this are these tiny beeswax balls, that when put in the water with oil can “absorb about 20 times their weight in oil,” and then attract microorganisms that eat the wax and oil.
Biofermentation is using genetically engineered bacteria (microbes) to eat up the oil. The problem with these are that they tend to eat up everything else too; like fish, plankton, and even the other, natural, oil-eaters.
(Van Prooyen, 2010)