other valuable items for the bride and her family . This money can be claimed by the groom if there is a divorce .
After accepting everything , the marriage is then blessed and feasting begins . Later on in the night , the bride may be escorted to the groom ’ s house where the marriage is consummated . In the past the groom ’ s sisters dressed their brother ’ s bed in a white sheet so they could determine whether or not the bride was a virgin .
The Tekuwa and Churching
In parts of the Central and Western Regions of Ghana two interesting wedding ceremonies are conducted called the Tekuwa and Churching .
Tekuwa takes its name from a long black cap embedded with gold pellets which women wear for the ceremony . This ceremony is specifically for women who have not had an education . It is very colourful and rich in culture .
On the morning of the ceremony , the bride wears her Tekuwa with accessories comprising a plant locally called nyinya and colourful feathers . She is made to sit on the opposite side of a traditional stool ( asesegwa ) with an elderly woman .
A blindfold is worn by both women who are asked to locate a small coin in an earthenware bowl at the count of three . This is done three times and whoever wins is hailed .
The groom , his family and the bride ’ s family present their wedding gifts to the bride who is then taken to a special place for a special bath . On the way to bathe the bride ’ s wedding gifts are thrown into the air for people to scramble over . This bath and all acts associated with it are believed to cleanse , eliminate evil omens and render the bride spotless both physically and spiritually .
22 Oil city magazine
Tekuwa takes its name from a long black cap embedded with gold pellets
Later in the day the woman is dressed in a colorful silk dress made locally from a fabric called Srichi with her Tekuwa and other gold accessories . People present are then invited to feast , make merry , present their gifts to the bride and also wish her well . This feast could go on till day break .
Like Tekuwa , Churching serves both as a wedding and cleansing ceremony . Traditionally , Churching is compulsory for every woman indigenous to the areas mentioned above . It is believed that the ceremony cleanses , takes away bad omens and brings good fortune ; hence a woman who for whatever reason refuses to undergo it is considered unclean and will have it done for her even on her deathbed .
A woman does not require a man to undergo Churching ; however she is required to be educated to some extent as it is compulsory to show one ’ s certificate during the ceremony . One school of thought believes that this was instituted to motivate girls to take their studies seriously .
Churching usually takes place on a Sunday because the couple is required to go to church for the marriage to be blessed by a priest before the feasting . It is believed then that the name churching came from the requirement for the couple to attend church .
After church the bride is dressed up in a silk dress and made to sit in the market . She shows her certificate to the crowd gathered to receive loud cheers . The couple can now dance to give way for feasting and merry making to begin . In the course of the feast , gifts and wishes are showered on them .
With both ceremonies ( Tekuwa and Churching ), the bride is required to roam her town and other neighboring towns in her colorful apparel for at least a month .
The purpose is to show the world that “ she is already taken ’’ and for her to receive greetings , gifts and wishes . contact
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Finicia Gardens
Total Plot Area 38,379 m2 ( approx . 9.48 acres )
This project includes a range of 3 and 4 bedroom executive residential units , a restaurant , clinic , gym , Olympic-sized swimming pool , basketball and tennis courts .
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