Ohio River Valley Northeast (ORVNE) Survey Responses orvne_survey_responses | Page 8
Ohio River Vally Northeast (ORVNE) Segment of the Louisville Loop: Survey Responses
Somewhat unimportant
Very important
Environmental/historic site impacts
Not sure
Supported by previous planning
Not sure
Q8: Of the nine considerations listed above, please identify which ones you feel are the THREE
MOST IMPORTANT considerations for this study area (please mark only three):
Accessibility, Constructability, Safety
Q9: Are there additional issues and considerations that should be considered for this route?
This is such a scenic area. The path should be located so users get to experience the beauty of
the area.
Q10: What do you feel is the most important opportunity or challenge for this section of the
Louisville Loop route?
Provide ample space for serious cyclists as well as slower recreational cyclists and kids. If there
is not enough room for a wide path, it might be safest to have a bike lane added to River Road
and then a separate additional path for more casual users.
Q11: Please provide any additional information you would like to share with Louisville Metro
Parks and the project planning team.
I love cycling along River Road but it is just too narrow and very dangerous except the rare
periods when there isn't much traffic. I don't go there very often anymore for that reason.
Q1: How would you describe yourself? Mark all that apply.
Other (please specify) Unicyclist
Q2: How frequently do you use the Louisville Loop?
Q3: How do you use the Louisville Loop? Mark all that apply.
Other (please specify) unicycle 36" Kris Holm Schlumpf
Q4: Which portions of the Louisville Loop do you use?
I've ridden it all but now I stick to The Parklands of Floyds Fork particularly by my sons soccer
Q5: The Louisville Loop Master Plan identifies seven DESIGN PRINCIPLES for the development
of the Louisville Loop. Please identify how important you feel each of these principles are:
Improve mobility
Somewhat important
Connect neighborhoods, schools and parks
Not sure
Encourage a wide range of users
Not sure
Celebrate the natural and cultural history
Somewhat unimportant
Enrich our lives with public art
Somewhat unimportant
Serve as a catalyst for economic development
Very important
Be an essential component for growth and prosperity
Very important
Q6: Of these seven design principles, please identify which three you feel are most important
for this section of the Louisville Loop (select only 3):
Connect neighborhoods, schools and parks, Serve as a catalyst for economic development,
Be an essential component for growth and prosperity
Q7: Several project considerations have been identified for the study area. Please identify how
important you feel each of these considerations are to the project:
Property ownership
Not important
Somewhat important
Dimensional suitability
Not sure
Somewhat important
Not sure
Not important
Very important
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