Ohio River Valley Northeast (ORVNE) Survey Responses orvne_survey_responses | Page 36

Ohio River Vally Northeast (ORVNE) Segment of the Louisville Loop: Survey Responses Q11: Please provide any additional information you would like to share with Louisville Metro Parks and the project planning team. Respondent skipped this question #38 Q1: How would you describe yourself? Mark all that apply. Louisville Loop user, Cyclist Q2: How frequently do you use the Louisville Loop? Occasionally Q3: How do you use the Louisville Loop? Mark all that apply. Leisure/recreation, Walking, Jogging/running, Bicycling, Nature/wildlife viewing Q4: Which portions of the Louisville Loop do you use? Open sections in Middletown/j-town area Q5: The Louisville Loop Master Plan identifies seven DESIGN PRINCIPLES for the development of the Louisville Loop. Please identify how important you feel each of these principles are: Improve mobility Somewhat important Connect neighborhoods, schools and parks Very important Encourage a wide range of users Somewhat important Celebrate the natural and cultural history Somewhat important Enrich our lives with public art Not sure Serve as a catalyst for economic development Somewhat unimportant Be an essential component for growth and prosperity Somewhat important Q6: Of these seven design principles, please identify which three you feel are most important for this section of the Louisville