Ohio River Valley Northeast (ORVNE) Survey Responses orvne_survey_responses | Page 17

Ohio River Vally Northeast ( ORVNE ) Segment of the Louisville Loop : Survey Responses Connectivity
Somewhat important
Constructability Not sure
Character / Experience Somewhat unimportant
Safety Very important
Environmental / historic site impacts Not sure
Supported by previous planning
Somewhat important Q8 : Of the nine considerations listed above , please identify which ones you feel are the THREE MOST IMPORTANT considerations for this study area ( please mark only three ):
Accessibility , Connectivity , Safety Q9 : Are there additional issues and considerations that should be considered for this route ?
Respondent skipped this question Q10 : What do you feel is the most important opportunity or challenge for this section of the Louisville Loop route ?
Respondent skipped this question Q11 : Please provide any additional information you would like to share with Louisville Metro Parks and the project planning team .
Respondent skipped this question
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Q1 : How would you describe yourself ? Mark all that apply . Louisville Loop user , Cyclist , Property Owner , Resident
Q2 : How frequently do you use the Louisville Loop ? Weekly
Q3 : How do you use the Louisville Loop ? Mark all that apply . Leisure / recreation , Walking , Jogging / running , Bicycling , Nature / wildlife viewing
Q4 : Which portions of the Louisville Loop do you use ?
Primarily the Parklands area Q5 : The Louisville Loop Master Plan identifies seven DESIGN PRINCIPLES for the development of the Louisville Loop . Please identify how important you feel each of these principles are :
Improve mobility Somewhat important
Connect neighborhoods , schools and parks Very important
Encourage a wide range of users Very important
Celebrate the natural and cultural history Somewhat important
Enrich our lives with public art Not sure
Serve as a catalyst for economic development
Very important
Be an essential component for growth and prosperity Very important Q6 : Of these seven design principles , please identify which three you feel are most important for this section of the Louisville Loop ( select only 3 ): Encourage a wide range of users , Serve as a catalyst for economic development , Be an essential component for growth and prosperity Q7 : Several project considerations have been identified for the study area . Please identify how important you feel each of these considerations are to the project : Property ownership Accessibility Dimensional suitability Connectivity Constructability Character / Experience Safety Environmental / historic site impacts Supported by previous planning
Somewhat unimportant Very important Somewhat important Somewhat important Somewhat important Very important Very important Very important Not sure
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