Ohio River Valley Northeast (ORVNE) Survey Responses orvne_survey_responses | Page 155

Ohio River Vally Northeast (ORVNE) Segment of the Louisville Loop: Survey Responses Q5: The Louisville Loop Master Plan identifies seven DESIGN PRINCIPLES for the development of the Louisville Loop. Please identify how important you feel each of these principles are: Improve mobility Very important Connect neighborhoods, schools and parks Very important Encourage a wide range of users Very important Celebrate the natural and cultural history Somewhat important Enrich our lives with public art Somewhat unimportant Serve as a catalyst for economic development Very important Be an essential component for growth and prosperity Very important Q6: Of these seven design principles, please identify which three you feel are most important for this section of the Louisville Loop (select only 3): Improve mobility, Connect neighborhoods, schools and parks, Be an essential component for growth and prosperity Q7: Several project considerations have been identified for the study area. Please identify how important you feel each of these considerations are to the project: Property ownership Not sure Accessibility Very important Dimensional suitability Not sure Connectivity Very important Constructability Very important Character/Experience Very important Safety Very important Environmental/historic site impacts Somewhat important Supported by previous planning Somewhat important Q8: Of the nine considerations listed above, please identify which ones you feel are the THREE MOST IMPORTANT considerations for this study area (please mark only three): Accessibility, Connectivity, Safety Q9: Are there additional issues and considerations that should be considered for this route? Respondent skipped this question Q10: What do you feel is the most important opportunity or challenge for this section of the Louisville Loop route? Opportunity: Currently the entire East End is cut off from Louisville by the Watterson with no safe way to travel by bicycle E.End to downtown and back. It would be nice to resolve this issue to make the E.End a more livable place. There really is no safe place in the East End for those like me who would prefer to travel by bicycle. Challenge: safety is going to be a big issue because car traffic is essentially unregulated on River Road, with motorists typically driving well over the posted speed limits and passing other vehicles in a double yellow line zone. Frankly, I don't even feel safe driving on River Road in a car because of these issues. I think this means that the Loop will need to be separated from the "Road" wherever possible. Q11: Please provide any additional information you would like to share with Louisville Metro Parks and the project planning team. The opening of off-road bicycle/walking paths in the Parklands has been a godsend for those who choose to travel by those means. I generally feel safe using these paths. Some attention needs to be paid to enforcing the leash laws as some dog owners refuse to use their leashes on these trails, thereby creating a hazard for other users. #173 Q1: How would you describe yourself? Mark all that apply. Louisville Loop user, Cyclist, Property Owner Q2: How frequently do you use the Louisville Loop? Monthly Page 154 of 166