Ohio River Valley Northeast (ORVNE) Survey Responses orvne_survey_responses | Page 110

Ohio River Vally Northeast (ORVNE) Segment of the Louisville Loop: Survey Responses Improve mobility, Connect neighborhoods, schools and parks, Serve as a catalyst for economic development Q7: Several project considerations have been identified for the study area. Please identify how important you feel each of these considerations are to the project: Property ownership Very important Accessibility Very important Dimensional suitability Very important Connectivity Very important Constructability Very important Character/Experience Very important Safety Very important Environmental/historic site impacts Very important Supported by previous planning Somewhat important Q8: Of the nine considerations listed above, please identify which ones you feel are the THREE MOST IMPORTANT considerations for this study area (please mark only three): Property ownership, Connectivity, Safety Q9: Are there additional issues and considerations that should be considered for this route? Re