OH! Magazine - Australian Version September 2015 | Page 23

NARDIA NORMAN SICK AND TIRED OF FEELING SICK AND TIRED? http://nardianorman.com (Women’s Health) Nardia Norman explores fatigue and its most common causes. ow did you wake up this morning? Did you open your eyes before the alarm feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day? Or did you force yourself out of bed after hitting the snooze button a few times, with the thought of coffee being the only thing coaxing you out from under the covers? Do you seem to move through each day shrouded in a cloud of fatigue that leaves you neardesperate to get back into bed at night? H Tiredness is a common ailment these days and while it is normal to suffer from fatigue now and then, there is a point in which that TAT (‘tired all the time’) feeling becomes abnormal. The first step to combating tiredness is to address lifestyle factors. It only takes a couple of weeks of focusing on specific lifestyle factors to restore your energy levels. These include reducing stress levels, removing excessive sugar and food irritants from your diet, cutting stimulants, improving your amount of daily movement and going to be bed earlier. So what if you’ve done all these things and the TAT feeling won’t go away? Us women are notoriously good at pushing through the ‘tired;’ we power on through our endless task list, all the while managing a job, family and tending to the needs of everyone else. Feeling tired is something that we have been taught not to take seriously, and societal attitudes towards fatigue support this; yet when it starts to interfere with a women’s ability to function it should not be ignored. hand-in-hand with depression Often, tiredness is your body’s way of telling you there is a problem. It is not an illness per se, but fatigue can be a symptom of an underlying issue. This is particularly true if the TAT is accompanied by other changes in the body, or where other symptoms are present. If you are TAT and you have improved those lifestyle factors, then it is time to go to the GP for further investigation. Some common underlying issues that may be causing your TAT feelings: 4. Chronic fatigue: ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’ is a complicated disorder characterised by extreme fatigue that can’t be explained by any underlying medical condition. In other words, it is not clear why Chronic Fatigue occurs (theories include underlying genetic issues or psychological stress), and nor is it clear how to treat it effectively. 1. Thyroid dysfunction: The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits in front of your neck and is responsible for your metabolism and overall feeling of wellness. According to Thyroid Australia over 85,000 Australians suffer from thyroid dysfunction. Thyroid dysfunction affects more women than men, and is heavily influenced by genetics, environmental factors and chronic stress. 2. Anemia: Another ailment that is common to women is anemia, which is where the body does not produce enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen around the body. The result is that the cells of the body do not get adequate oxygen and therefore, cannot function properly. 3. Depression: One in five women will experience depression at some point in their lives. There are different types of depressive disorders, which range from mild to severe. Quite often, fatigue and chronic fatigue-related symptoms will go 5. Food intolerances: If you are intolerant to certain types of food it may cause a cascade of reactions, which produce physical symptoms such as bloating and gas, but also fatigue and tiredness. 6. Sleep apnea: People with sleep apnea think they are sleeping but they actually have a broken sleep pattern, with pauses in their breath that can last from a few seconds to minutes at a time. This typically happens repetitively throughout the evening and sufferers often wake up feeling tired and fatigued as a result. All of these factors have the potential to severely affect your health and wellbeing and as such, require medical intervention. Listen to your body, tune into what it is telling you, and instead of pushing aside your TAT feelings, stop and take stock. Remember if you currently suffer from tiredness and fatigue you have become accustomed to it, and as such it has become your new norm – but just because it is normal does not mean it is right! We are not designed to feel sluggish, tired, fatigued and slow all the time – we are meant to live with energy, clarity and vitality! ( OH! MAGAZINE ) SEPTEMBER 2015 23