OH! Magazine - Australian Version October 2018 | Page 10



Julia Simmonds explains what to eat for spectacular skin this spring .
hat you eat can impact on the
W general condition of your skin , it ’ s
ability to act as a natural defensive barrier to fight illness , and how well your immune system works .
When it comes to healthy skin and immune health , there are some foods that offer immense benefits . These foods are generally high in vitamins A , B6 , C , E , D and sometimes also omega-3s . So here is a list of foods that may help keep your body and your skin healthy , all spring ( and beyond ).
1 . Calcium-rich foods
The top layer of skin needs calcium to retain moisture , and stop the skin from losing hydration and becoming dry . Calcium makes a natural sebum , which coats the skin to stop water loss . The skin also needs calcium to help create new skin cells . If the skin isn ’ t able to keep up with the new skin cells the body needs , it can become very dry , thin and more susceptible to breaks and tears .
2 . Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are full of vitamin E , which the skin needs a lot of , for repair , as well as to decrease skin inflammation and redness . Vitamin E also keeps skin cells healthy by reducing the damage caused by free radicals , which can be a result of poor food choices , smoking or pollution .
Sunflower seeds are packed with vitamin E to keep the skin in great condition by defending it against environmental triggers , which can weaken the it ’ s natural barrier and cause inflammation and infection . As well as vitamin E , sunflower seeds also provide vitamin B6 , which is one of the most well-known immuneboosting vitamins .
3 . Coconut water
Drinking coconut water not only keeps your skin hydrated to prevent dryness , it also has natural properties that help to reduce skin inflammation and redness . These properties regulate how the body responds to inflammation , and lessens the potential impact of the body ’ s response . Coconut water also contains lauric acid , which can help protect against skin infections .
4 . Red capsicums
Citrus fruit often get all the glory when it comes to vitamin C sources , but one cup of red capsicum actually has three times the amount of vitamin C of an orange ! Vitamin C helps form white blood cells , to strengthen the immune system and fight infection . The body isn ’ t able to store vitamin C though , so remember to include it in your diet every day .
5 . Sweet potatoes
Eat these with the skin on and bake them rather than boil , because boiling results in a loss of the water-soluble nutrients . Sweet potatoes are full of vitamin A , which the body needs to keep your skin healthy . Vitamin C , of course , also fights infection .
6 . Fatty fish
Tuna and salmon are high in vitamin D , which can help improve skin elasticity while also strengthening the immune system . These fish are also high in omega-3 , which turns on the cells in our immune system so they can fight infection .
7 . Almonds
Nuts , and particularly almonds offer an abundance of both vitamin E ( ideal for skin strength and repair ), and vitamin C ( to help prevent colds ). Vitamin E can also help with dry skin as it works to lock hydration into the top layer of the skin .
8 . Spinach
Spinach is a great source of vitamin A and C , which helps your body maintain the cells responsible for fighting infection . Combined with vitamin E , this combination of nutrients can help improve skin tone , complexion and repair .
9 . Water
Of course , you should also always keep up your water intake as this ensures your skin remains well hydrated and is more quickly flushed of toxins .
Julia Simmonds Julia is a pharmacist and the founder of the Itchy Baby Co , which is all about supporting families with natural skincare . To find out more visit itchybabyco . com . au