OH! Magazine - Australian Version May 2017 | Page 11

(WOMEN’S HEALTH) DO YOU SUFFER FROM URBAN WOMAN SYNDROME? DR DEBRA VILLAR Dr Debra Villar explains how you to eat, move, think your way to better health. he state of our health worldwide is at crisis point. Our modern rushed lifestyle has resulted in an increase of chronic lifestyle disorders such as autoimmune diseases, infertility, stress and hormonal imbalances. The inability to physically adapt to our cultural and behavioural environment has given rise to what are called ‘mismatched diseases’. T Our physiology, brain and chemical makeup is the same from 10,0000 years ago; however, our environment has changed drastically. Our food has become loaded with preservatives, sugars, additives and colours. Our work life has become sedentary with the increase use of computers and other digital devices. Our life demands have caused an increase in chronic stress and mental health concerns, where one in five Australians suffer from some form of mental illness. Awareness and education is key to stop the rapid increase of lifestyle related disorders, allowing individuals and families to make informed healthier choices. When wanting to improve wellness holistically, the simple ‘eat, move, think’ health philosophy is a simple, yet effective way to assess and improve your health habits. EAT for better health Choosing good food can sometimes be confusing, especially when labels and marketing tout promises such as ‘sugar free’, ‘fat free’, and ‘natural flavours’. These labels are usually on products that are not only high in sugar, but also full of preservatives and additives. An easy way to monitor your sugar intake is to remember when reading food labels is that 4g of sugar equals one teaspoon of sugar, and the recommended intake of sugar is five teaspoons a day. Unfortunately, the average Australian consumes 29 teaspoons a day! The way to avoid sugar, preservatives, colours and other nasties is to shop in the fresh produce aisle. Consuming only fresh produce can require time to plan; however, by swapping packaged foods for ‘real’ food you can allow your body to repair, heal and thrive. MOVE for better health According to statistics, Australians are not very active, with 57 per cent not getting enough exercise and doing less than 30 minutes of activity per day. Another alarming statistic suggests we can spend up to 18 hours sitting, after travelling in a car or public transport, then sitting at a desk all day before going back home to sit on the couch. Unfortunately, regular exercise may not make up for the fact that you have a sedentary job. We are designed to be continually active. Movement throughout your day and increasing what is called ‘incidental exercise’ is essential for optimum health and wellbeing. THINK for better health Chronic stress is fast becoming an epidemic; the Australian statistics on stress and mental illness is alarming, with around 90 per cent of Australians feel chronic stress their life, and 70 per cent of doctor’s visits relating to stress. The bottom line is, stress is always present, but there are a few steps you can take to avoid its effects and increase your wellbeing. Step 1. Identify the stress. Write it down, ask yourself how this stress is serving you, and how you can eliminate or reduce it. Step 2. Meditate. You can download apps to help you meditate). Studies have shown that even 10 minutes of meditation increases relaxation and reduced stress. Step 3. Exercise. Exercise increases endorphins – also called the ‘feelgood’ hormones. Step 4. Diaphragmatic breathing. This is essential to get plenty of oxygen throughout your body. It involves breathing through your diaphragm instead of using your chest and neck muscles. Put your hand on your stomach, then take a big breath in through your nose – your stomach should expand. When you exhale, release through your mouth and the stomach should relax; your chest shouldn’t move and all the movement should come from your diaphragm expanding. A wellness lifestyle should not be hard to implement since small changes in your life can increase exponentially your health body, mind and soul. Dr Debra Villar is a speaker, wellness consultant, and author of Urban Woman Syndrome: Eat, Move, Think your way to ultimate health. To learn more visit www.drdebravillar.com OH! MAGAZINE ( MAY 2017 ) 11