OH! Magazine - Australian Version May 2016 | Page 20
Dr Bruce Wells shares these tips to help you live a happier ever after!
appiness is something we all
crave. It often seems that it’s just
around the corner if we can just work
hard enough – but what if you check all
the boxes and we’re still not happy?
Research in positive psychology shows
that while a portion of our happiness is
due to our genes and life circumstances,
40 per cent is determined by our daily
thoughts, emotions and behaviours
(which, by the way, we have complete
control over). So here are the top nine
habits of extremely happy people, which,
if practised daily, will allow you to take
control of your own happiness and enjoy
greater personal and professional
fulfilment in your life.
1. Cherish your health
Exercise releases a cocktail of chemicals
that helps keep your heart healthy,
reduces weight, aids sleep quality, and
bolsters self-confidence. It also alleviates
stress and makes you more resilient.
Remember to include a balanced diet
and seven hours of sleep.
2. Live your life your way
A hospice nurse wrote a book called The
Top Five Regrets of the Dying and the
number one regret was ‘I wish I’d had the
courage to live a life true to myself, not
the life others expected of me’. Don’t let
the expectations of others rob you of your
own dreams and goals. Live the life you
want to live. Make the choices that are
right for you and then take action today.
3. Live with a meaningful purpose
It’s amazing how people come together as
one in times of national tragedy. A sense
of meaning is suddenly given to people’s
lives and they respond magnificently.
Your best self has a chance to shine when
you live with a meaningful purpose.
Create your own purpose by identifying a
cause that you passionately believe in
and which allows you to utilise your
strengths and energies.
4. Cultivate optimism
The happiest people put an optimistic
spin on whatever happens in their lives.
They ditch the notion of something being
fair or unfair, instead just accepting what
is. Every situation is a life-learning
opportunity. Optimism leads to less
stress, longevity, better perf