OH! Magazine - Australian Version May 2016 | Page 18
( Emotional Fitness )
Emotional fitness expert Heidi Di Santo
explains the pitfalls of being judgemental.
udging seems like a pretty harmless
thing to do. Everybody does it to
some extent. So what’s the problem with
categorising and interpreting life through
filters such as ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘right’ and
wrong’, and ‘black’ or ‘white’?
There is no ‘right’ way to live or view life.
There are many ways to interpret every
situation and being able to accept this helps
you to lead a more peaceful life. I always
find the diagram below useful when I think
about perception.
In my experience, judgment creates three
2. Judging gives away your power and turns
you into a victim
1. It robs you of your peace and creates
2. It gives away your power and turns you
into a victim.
3. It tells other people that you’re not
Judging actually says more about you than
it does the person or thing you are judging.
Often, whenever you judge someone or
something, you’re actuall