OH! Magazine - Australian Version March 2017 | Page 12



Christine Cronau explains how eating fat keeps you lean .
ave you been avoiding butter , fullcream milk , and creamy sauces
and other full-fat goodness for fear of gaining weight ? The thing is , there may be no need because real fats – such as butter , coconut oil , and even animal fats from grass-fed animals – can help keep us slim . Not only that , going low fat can make us fat ! Here ’ s why .
Prior to the 1900s , obesity was rare . So rare in fact that an obese man was put on display in a circus back in 1906 so people could gawk at him . His name was Big Jo , and unfortunately , he wouldn ’ t get much of a second look now if he was placed in an Australian crowd . Heart disease was also practically non-existent ; in fact , the first documented case of a heart attack was 1926 and , interestingly , prior to the 1900s , we ate a lot of fat .
In the late 1800s , a typical breakfast was eggs , bacon , hotcakes ( corn patties fried in lard ), and coffee . So why did we suddenly start fearing fat ?
While heart disease was rare in the early 1900s , by the 1950s , rates were said to be ‘ skyrocketing ’. Experts were scrambling for a solution , and one theory was saturated fat . If it was a valid theory , you would think that saturated fat consumption had increased since the early 1900s , but instead , the opposite was true . We started replacing saturated fats such as butter and coconut oil with cheaper fats such as processed vegetable oil , margarine , and shortening . We also started mass producing sugar ( although that ’ s a story for another time ).
None the less , this was a theory , and it was presented to the World Health Organisation by biochemist Ancel Keys .
But , what few people know is that it was practically laughed at because there was simply no evidence behind it . However as time went on , the notion was advocated by prominent people and so it became more accepted . Scientists did not stop fighting the idea however , and in 1977 , just before authorities officially changed the dietary guidelines , one of these scientists was recorded on CBS pleading with the them to wait until there was evidence . Unfortunately , they didn ’ t . And in fact , Senator McGovern said ‘ I would only argue that we senators do not have the luxury that a research scientist does , of waiting until every last shred of evidence is in .’
Unfortunately , this means that we have all been part of one of the biggest failed experiments of all time ! Going low fat was supposed to make us slim but it actually made us fat – and sick ! And this is all because fat was never the culprit . Additionally , when we vilified fat , we started eating more of the foods that were making us fat ! The main culprits were – and are – excess sugar , carbohydrates , and processed vegetable oils .
Interestingly , back in the 1950s , we knew that excess carbs made us fat , but after the fat scare in the 70s and 80s , and the heavy promotion of boxed cereals and other convenience foods , we forgot all about this interesting fact . In themselves , carbohydrates aren ’ t bad , but here is the important part : our body can only use or store a small amount of glucose ( from carbohydrate ) at any one time . We can only store around 500g of glycogen ( our stored form of glucose ) at once , which isn ’ t very much . If we eat more than we can use or store , we generally have to store the remainder as fat . And , this fact is taught to every health professional as part of basic biochemistry , but it is often ignored or forgotten because it doesn ’ t fit with the accepted low fat dogma .
So what about calories ? Yes , fat has twice the calories of carbohydrate , including sugar . However , different calories act differently in the body ; some prompt fat storage and some don ’ t . And that ’ s why it is nonsense to count calories as if they are all the same ; in fact , it ’ s nonsense to count them at all !
Fat , in fact , is the least likely nutrient to prompt fat storage in the body . And , if you have ever accidentally taken too much coconut oil , you will understand what I mean . Coconut oil is around 94 % per cent saturated fat but the excess doesn ’ t get stored ! Instead , it usually comes out the other end !
I spent most of my life low fat , and ended up struggling with my weight and my health . On my ‘ super healthy ’ diet of low fat soy milk , whole grains , lentils , and vegetables , I ended up with IBS , chronic fatigue , insulin resistance , hypoglycemia and more . However , 16 years ago I radically changed my diet . Not only did I heal every single one of my health conditions , but I haven ’ t had to think about my weight since . I never have to diet or go hungry . I never have to count calories , and I finally have permission to eat .
Time to stop dieting . Time to stop counting calories , going hungry ( or hangry as the case may be ), and feeling miserable . Enough with the egg white omelettes , and the skinny lattes . Let ’ s bring back the fat !
12 OH ! MAGAZINE ( MARCH 2017 )