OH! Magazine - Australian Version June 2017 | Page 8

( Fitness & Motivation ) TRAINING WITH YOUR TODDLER Michelle Bridges shares her tips to successfully training with a little person in tow. ince having Axel, I’ve really had to get creative with my training as more often than not, he’s with me and if I don’t work out how to workout with him in tow, my work out won’t happen. I’ve really gained a whole new appreciation for how challenging it can be to train with your toddler(s) around - but I’m always up for a challenge, so here are my ways of working around it all! S Push ups For really little ones, lie them down underneath you and do your push ups over the top of them. You get the perfect depth every time - give bubba a kiss on the forehead at the bottom of each push up! For older littlies, have them get on your back piggyback style, and do your push ups with them as extra weight! Alternatively have them lie to one side of you, and do travelling push ups - do 1 push up with them on your left, then from your high push up position, crab walk sideways until they’re on your right, and do a push up. Have them count your reps and let you know when you’ve reached your goal. Squats Either hold your bubba in front of your chest or pop them in a carrier so your arms are free. Do your squats with a pause at the bottom, or pulse your squats for a few reps at the bottom of the squat. For older littlies, have them do wall sits with you - slide your back down the wall and walk your feet forward until you end up in a position as though you’re sitting on a chair. Hold for as long as you can, counting the seconds. Have your child keep count and aim to beat or equal your time with each new rep. Shoulder press Holding your baby in your arms close to your chest, push baby up overhead as high as you can, then lower back to start position. Optional kiss on the forehead for every rep! For older ones, have them stand on a chair or table, and lift them off and down to the floor. Have them climb back up, and repeat the lifting down for as many reps as your arms can cope with! Kneeling core and balance Lunges Either hold your bubba in front of your chest or pop them in a carrier so your arms are free. Do alternating forward lunges or walking lunges. For older littlies, have them lunge with you, they might do 2 lunges to every 1 of yours, and have them keep count - great for building their ‘fun feel’ for exercise while building their math brains too! 8 OH! MAGAZINE ( JUNE 2017 ) Put your baby in a carrier on your back, come to the floor in a kneeling position. Extend one arm out in front of you and the opposite leg out behind you until both are parallel to the floor, repeat on the other side. For older toddlers, put them on a sliding surface on your carpet (an upside down frisbee works well!). Have them reach their arms out to you, then grasp their MICHELLE BRIDGES YOU CAN CONTACT MICHELLE VIA: Web: michellebridges.com.au Facebook: Mishy.Bridges Twitter: @mishbridges Instagram: @mishbridges hands with your arms outstretched, with your legs in a wide squat. Pull them towards you and feel your arms, back and butt working!