OH! Magazine - Australian Version July 2016 | Page 22
Cheryl Fingleson provides a guide to the sleep requirements for kids.
he biggest challenge facing
modern families today is that
many mums and dads work full time.
Most often, we aim to get home by 6pm,
we race around preparing dinner, we do
homework, bath time and engage in other
after-school activities.
Another issue may be that your younger
child goes to bed at the same time as his
or her older sibling, which can mean
stretching bedtime to as late as 9:30pm
by the time all the above is done.
So how much sleep should your kids get?
Obviously every child is different, and
each one has their own individual needs,
but here is a general guideline of what
you should aim for, in a typical 24-hour
8 to 10 months of age: approximately
12 to 15 hours per night
10 to 15 months of age:
approximately 12 to 14 hours per
1 to 8 months of age: approximately
14 to 15 hours per night
15 months to 3 years of age:
approximately 12 to 14 hours per
3 to 6 years of age: approximately
11 to 13 hours per night
7 to 12 years of age: approximately
10 to 11 hours per night.
Maintaining a consistent routine of meal,
sleep and wake times will help set the
internal clock in both kids and adults
Much like with grown ups, sending your
kids late to bed can lead to:
difficulty falling to sleep
night waking
early morning waking
generally less sleep overall, which
leads to irritable and overtired
Proper sleep habits promote energy,
wellness, effective learning, good moods
and sanity for parents. Best of all, enough
sleep will help keep children happy and
Here are a few tips to help you and your
famly create good sleeping habits.
It’s important not to go past the
recommended bedtime of around
6.30pm to 7.30pm. The old saying
‘early to bed early to rise’ just isn’t
true when it comes to our little ones.
In fact, it’s quite the opposite – sleep
creates sleep! So pushing bedtime
out to 8pm to get them to sleep till
7am the next day won’t necessarily
Try and avoid letting your child sleep
too late in the afternoon, as you want
them to keep to the same bedtime
every night, as this will help them
maintain their rhythm.
Have a quiet wind down routine,
which leads to the same sleep time
every night. This will help produce
melatonin, which encourages sleep.
Routine and consistency is the key for
great sleeping habits as it provides
babies, toddlers and children with
security, and helps to create an effective
bedtime and naptime schedule.
Altering your child’s sleep routine can
take sometime to get right, but it is well
worth the effort. It is important to stick to
your plan, work to remove the sleep
crutches, and always remember that
being calm and gentle, yet confident and
with a united approach from both parents,
is the secret to sleeping bliss.
Happy sleeping!