OH! Magazine - Australian Version January 2018 | Page 20



Ian O ' Dwyer explains how to avoid ' ageing people ' issues .
oung adults today are developing
Y ' ageing people ' health issues
because they are not moving enough and giving their body what it needs for optimal health .
Younger and middle-aged adults in their 40s and 50s are coming into my practice , Niagara Therapy , with aches , pains , movement and degenerative issues that we would normally see in 70-year olds . This is a concerning trend and it is telling us that 40 is the new 70 when it comes to health and wellbeing , particularly for adults who are not getting enough exercise .
Repetitive movement , like excessive sitting , can place pressure on the disks in your lower back . Sitting for long periods of time without hydration and movement combined , can be just as bad for you as being overweight .
The World Health Organisation released a report in February last year , stating that globally , one in four adults are not moving enough and that insufficient physical activity is one of the leading risk factors for death worldwide . Insufficient physical activity is a key risk factor for no communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases , cancer and diabetes .
When older people present with aches and pain , I usually assist by guiding them into programs that include movements that mimic life and incorporate technology such as Niagara Therapy ' s cycloid vibration products . Cycloid vibration therapy helps enhance many systems of the body necessary to move and feel well . Cycloid vibration helps all of the following :
• muscle ( stimulate and reduce pain to work more consistently )
• fascial hydration ( to improve joint mobility )
• lymph ( excretes the waste products and toxins and reduce swelling )
• circulation ( encourages the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues ).
This program is ideal for older people who can use the mobile hand-held cycloid vibration , and then incorporate simple but effective movement patterns to help their body and brain reconnect , all in the comfort of their own home . I also recommend movement and cycloid vibration therapy for younger people .
I place a great deal of emphasise on the need to exercise as often as possible , in a manner that brings happiness to them , meaning , the key is to find something that YOU enjoy ! Running , yoga , weights , surfing , tennis , whatever makes you happy and feeds the body and brain challenge . It doesn ' t matter what the activity , the bottom line is , we all need to move more as we age .
Over the years , we have seen jobs move from being manual labour-based roles to desk-driven roles where people sit in front of their computers for up to eight hours a day . When they get home , they often sit in front of the television or computer as well . Many people are literally living their lives lying down or sitting , with a little movement in between .
While statistics indicate our life span is increasing , I think we are going to see this reduce again , or our quality of life diminish from an earlier age unless we start to see big changes in behaviour .
There are three things we need to do to avoid getting ' ageing people ' issues earlier in life :
• Move as often as possible in a manner that you enjoy , if you enjoy it you will continue it
• When sitting , set an alarm every hour to stand up and move around . A minute is incredibly powerful to create change in the body and brain .
• Follow the ' Environmental Effects ', whereby you : 1 ) eat well ; 2 ) drink more water ; 3 ) move often ; 4 ) get quality sleep 5 ) breathe and laugh to help your emotional state .
Once issues start developing , they are difficult to resolve completely , so prevention is the best cure . Following these three suggestions will help to avoid the early onset of degenerative issues and help you to enjoy life to fullest .
Ian O ' Dwyer Ian is a movement practitioner with Niagara Therapy , Australia ' s leading manufacturer of medical and health products for athletes , soldiers , the injured and the aged , more young people are developing problems associated with old age due to a lack of movement and living a sedentary lifestyle .