OH! Magazine - Australian Version January 2016 | Page 23

HOW TO FEEL PROUD OF YOUR BODY NARDIA NORMAN http://nardianorman.com (Women’s Health) Nardia Norman reminds you how to stop the inner critic and be proud of your body. sent out my weekly email to my database the other day and I got a ton of feedback from the ladies thanking me for writing it so I thought I would share with you here. I It was a ridiculously hot day here in Sydney and we were all melting, so after my training session, Mr Mike picked me up and we headed straight for the beach. I literally grabbed some beach wear prior to training and didn’t get a chance to look at what I had grabbed until I was changing into them. It turns out I had grabbed the swimwear that I only normally wear in private – in other words, they are my smaller pair. Oh well, we were off to a more secluded beach so I didnt think I’d run into anyone I knew. I was wrong! We ran into a couple of friends (both personal trainers) who proceeded to slide their towels next to us. Not only was I starting to freak out about my swimwear choice, I also had the added stress of knowing that I was in a dire need of grooming! Yep, it turns out I had neglected to do any kind of personal grooming in a very very long time! Hairy little bear in too small swimwear, I thought – so not cool! Every single part of my brain went into freak out mode, and immediately all I wanted to do was start apologising for myself. I wanted to point out all my flaws and say sorry for the small bikini, the extreme hairy-ness, and the extra layer of fat that I’m carrying. I wanted to justify why I was looking like this, to tell them that I have been sick so haven’t had a chance to groom, to tell them that I had left my proper swimwear at home and this ‘old, skimpy, unmatching, too small’ bikini was a an accident. But I didn’t. Because after a stern self talking to and some self-reflection, apologising to them for me being me would have been completely disempowering. To make an apology about the way I looked would have taken me out of of a place of body love and moved me backwards to a place where my mind had resided for way too long – focussing on my flaws, the parts that aren’t ‘good enough’ or ‘look good enough’, the place where constant self-criticism was the daily mantra. Here’s the take home point: if you ever apologise for being you or for looking a certain way you then are essentially telling the world that you are not good enough as you are. And that’s silly, because you are more than good enough EXACTLY as you are. There is NO need to say ‘oh Im sorry my hair’s messy’, ‘oh I’m sorr