OH! Magazine - Australian Version January 2016 | Page 11
( Emotional Fitness )
Heidi Di Santo shares her secrets to boosting your luck in 2016.
n the surface, some people ‘seem’
to be incredibly lucky. It’s like they
never run into problems and life always
seems to go their way. So what’s the secret
to becoming luckier in life? It’s really quite
simple. Here are my five top tips:
1. Lucky people are prepared
Luck or success occurs when preparation
and opportunity coincide. Many people
‘seem’ lucky because they know what they
want and they’ve taken consistent and
regular action towards their goals so that
when opportunities present themselves,
they’re ready to cease the opportunity.
2. Lucky people deal with problems quickly
Everyone has their fair share of troubles in
life, it’s just that people who ‘seem’ to be
lucky know how to deal with problems
quickly and efficiently. Life appears to run
smoothly for lucky people because they
don’t get stuck in drama. When life doesn’t
go according to plan, they realise that ‘you
get what you focus on in life’.
If you want to instantly improve your
current life circumstance, you need to
focus on solutions not problems. Bad
things happen to everyone and you can
choose to victimise yourself by focusing on
how bad things are, which will keep you
stuck experiencing more of what you don’t
want. The alternative is to change your
mind’s focus and look for ways out.
A simple question to ask that puts you
back in control is ‘what can I do to improve
this situation?’
3. Lucky people accept responsibility
Lucky people don’t give away their power,
which means they avoid blame, judgment
and criticism. They realise that ‘it takes
two to tango’ in every disagreement, and
they accept responsibility for their part in
any conflict. They realise that everyone is
a teacher in life regardless of whether the
lesson is taught in a positive or negative
They understand that whatever they judge
or dislike or react to in someone else is
always about them. They also realise that
there are always ‘two sides to every story’
and they avoid ‘black and white’, ‘right
and wrong’ thinking.
They open up to understanding both sides
of the story and see the shades of grey in
life. As a result, they look within to heal
and take ownership of their part of the
problem. This way they step out of victim
thinking and into their power.
4. Lucky people are grateful
Lucky people are grateful for all the ‘good’
they already have in their life. They
understand the law of attraction and know
that whatever they focus on grows. If
you’re constantly focusing on what you
don’t have in your life, you’ll create more
of this and ultimately seem ‘unluckier’.
5. Lucky people do what others don’t
If you want more ‘luck’ in life, you’ve got
to realise that targeted action is really
important. It’s not about working hard, it’s
about working ‘smart’ and doing what
other people don’t do in order to get
results. This often involves expanding your
comfort zone, which can seem scary (but
is rewarding)!
Being able to do this involves getting
comfortable with accepting emotions that
include fear, anger and sadness. When
you aim to make change in your life, it’s
not always going to be smooth sailing and
being able to take control of your inner
world and re-frame problems into learning
experiences is paramount.
On your way to success, are you going to
use setbacks as fodder for why you can’t or
fuel for why you can? It’s ultimately your
Lucky people have ultimately learned to
think, act and feel differently enabling
them to harness the power of their internal
world and ultimately create successes
beyond the realm of others who haven’t
learned this skill.
If you want to know more, have a read of
my book I Should Be Happy But I’m Not or
download my FREE eBook Take Control of
Your Life. Both are available from