OH! Magazine - Australian Version December 2018 | Page 40

( PET HEALTH ) HOW TO REDUCE YOUR PET’S ENVIRONMENTAL PAWPRINT Rufus & Coco shares new research findings from pet owners. ew research from Australia’s most awarded pet care brand, Rufus & Coco has found that nearly half (49 per cent) of cat owners are worried about their pet’s environmental impact. N Surveying 1,647 cat owners across Australia and the US Rufus & Coco discovered that 41 per cent were concerned about putting leftover or soiled litter into the rubbish, which ends up in landfill. Alarmingly, the most commonly used cat litters are those most harmful to the environment. 32 per cent of Australians and 65 per cent of Americans surveyed use clay litter each week, and in Australia paper (26 per cent) and crystal (21 per cent) litters ran a close second and third. With an estimated 3.9 million cats in Australia, each using a minimum of 2kg of litter per week, our landfills could receive more than 400 million kgs of kitty litter waste each year! For non-absorbent varieties and non-clumping litters, weekly usage could be as high as 4kg. The survey also revealed that nearly half (49 per cent) were unaware that clay and crystal litters are mined from the earth. Crystal litter causes more than ten times the CO 2 emissions of other litters, taking approximately five tonnes of coal to produce one tonne of silica gel, making it one of the worst litter products for our environment. 40 OH! MAGAZINE ( DECEMBER 2018 ) Clay litter needs to be extracted from strip mines and disposed of in landfill, whereas organic waste litters which are often residue from another organic product or production process and can be disposed of in green waste bins. The strip mining process involves bulldozing everything at surface level and removing the topsoil down until the mineral clay is reached. Environmental destruction and local wildlife habitat loss is just one consideration, alongside the construction energy and fossil fuels used to transport the clay. Clay is mined across multiple states in Australia and the USA. From food production and packaging to cat litter disposal, our pets have a significant carbon paw print. Selecting a high quality litter with proven absorbency also helps reduce footprint. A better performing litter will see the cat using far less on a daily basis – which is a win for the environment and the pet parent’s wallet. ‘When I launched Rufus & Coco ten years ago I was looking for natural alternatives for pets, but couldn’t find any great brands in the market, so launched my own. Today, one of our most successful and award-winning products is Wee Kitty – a natural litter made from corn, which in small amounts can even be flushed down the toilet, making it one of the most environmentally-friendly litters available,’ says pet advocate and founder and CEO of Rufus & Coco, Anneke van den Broek. ‘While nearly half of cat owners expressed concern about the environmental impact of their pets, the majority are still buying the worst products for the environment, many simply because they aren’t aware of the impact.’ ‘Buying durable toys, swapping out your cat litter for an organic and biodegradable alternative, choosing high quality, long- lasting products, putting a bell on your cat and keeping them inside at night are just some of the steps you can take to reduce your pets’ environmental paw print.’ For more information visit www.rufusandcoco.com.au