OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 52


ISO Tested Antiviral Fabrics by Carrington Textiles Deliver Outstanding Performance and Launderability

The UK textile manufacturer now produces antiviral fabrics proven to deactivate over 99 % of enveloped viruses according to the ISO 18184:2019 standard .
Carrington Textiles has successfully tested its new Antiviral and Antibacterial Finish for fabrics under the ISO 18184:2019 ‘ Determination of antiviral activity of textile product ’ standard , a strategic move of the company ’ s R & D efforts to respond to the market ’ s needs in a new COVID-19 world where employees of all sectors including healthcare , construction , hospitality , armed forces and heavy industry need to be more protected than ever .

The textile manufacturer ran trials on its main scrub suit poly-cotton fabric , Alba 2 , using the Sanitized ® branded treatment that harnesses the natural antiviral and antibacterial properties of silver .

After weeks of testing at an independent laboratory in the UK by using an enveloped virus , the results show an effectiveness rating of over 99 % of the antiviral properties of the fabric which deactivates viruses in two hours . Even after 50 washes at 60 degrees 98 % of viruses have shown to be deactivated , meaning the protective properties of the textile will last the lifetime of the garment .
This newly tested finish delivers an antiviral fabric that is not only safe for use on face coverings , medical wear , and a wide range of workwear , but also environmentally friendly garments that -due to its best-in-class launderability and long-lasting properties- will help reduce the amount of disposable PPE that ends up in landfill .
How does it work ?
The porous nature of textiles means that viruses and bacteria can be trapped within the fabric
structure , which possibly lowers the risk of the viruses being transferred . However , they will still remain viable and bacteria may also replicate within the fabric leading to unpleasant odours , amongst other things .
This revolutionary Antiviral and Antibacterial Finish by Carrington Textiles is suitable to use on any woven fabric and works
An independent laboratory carried out the ISO 18184:2019 test on Carrington Textiles ’ polycotton Alba 2 .
as a coating that is pressed then ‘ baked ’ into the fabric using specialised machines at the end of the manufacturing process .
This Antiviral Finish works as a barrier and any viruses which get trapped in the fabric structure will be deactivated and rendered harmless before they get chance to infect a host cell .
This treatment kills bacteria the same way , with the added benefit to working as a ‘ built-in deodorant ’ as due to its advanced technology protects against unwanted bacteria that causes unpleasant odour .
Sales Director Paul Farrell says : “ Our R & D efforts to innovate and respond to the market ’ s needs has allowed us to have a finish available that is able to deactivate enveloped viruses and kill bacteria using technologies that are not only safe and comfortable to wear , but also offer excellent launderability benefits without compromising performance .” •
Carrington Textiles Ltd + 44 ( 0 ) 1257 476 850
This new product offers excellent antiviral protection , launderability and durability .