OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 46


High-Quality Vibrocoring Systems

SEAS Offshore Pty Ltd is a leading provider of state-of-the-art sediment sampling equipment . The company is based in Coffs Harbour , Australia and services clients worldwide . Our vibrocoring equipment was originally developed in the early 1980 ’ s and has been further developed over the years to provide a lightweight , portable and extremely reliable sediment sampling solutions . Solutions for any sediment sampling project can be catered for by the experienced SEAS team . At SEAS we understand that every sampling job is different , so we work with our clients to design each program for best effect to meet our clients ’ specific requirements .

Our lightweight and portable equipment enables us to sample in areas that are inaccessible to many other systems , such as shallow lakes , tidal estuaries , and near-shore coastal environments . The various SEAS VC models allow sediment types in to be reliably sampled in environments which can be difficult or prohibitive for outer vibrocoring equipment .

The VC700 4.4Kw system combined with variable frequency control allows the operator to adjust the vibration frequency to suit the sediment type . The ability to vary the frequency provides a range of 5kN – 60kN drive force . In a unit as compact as the VC 700 this is a leader in the field . The VC700 was recently used with reliable success in sampling the dense iron sands offshore northern Luzon , Philippines . The project delivered over 600 core samples to six meters in length with high recovery rates .
SEAS also manufacture and operates a number of sediment sampling systems . Box Core systems , Piston core systems and Grab samplers .
The SEAS Large Box core system provides a box sample 50cm x 50cm x 50cm ( 0.125m ³). The Box core samples provide large undisturbed sediment samples suitable for environmental studies , macro benthic fauna analysis and geotechnical analysis .
The SEAS Piston Coring System has proved reliable in collecting quality core samples to compliment pipeline and cable route surveys . The system when combined with SEAS Vibrocoring equipment provided core sampling options for a variety of sediment types
Our deep water vibrocore system pushes the limits of vibrocore sampling to 3000m , well beyond the capabilities of most of our competitors . When coupled with our multicore MPS3000 platform our deep water VC2000T provides a unique opportunity to acquire samples in an efficient and costeffective manner . The MPS3000 system can collect 10 core samples from one deployment off the vessel . The MPS3000 system can host numerous additional sensors to meet client specifications . With real-time video feedback the coring procedure can be closely monitored . The cameras fitted with pan & tilt function can be turned outward to monitor the seafloor surface environment enabling valuable benthic habitat assessment . The MPS3000 has both low light black & white cameras in addition to a colour focus and zoom camera with additional lighting . • For further information regarding any of SEAS equipment please contact : info @ seasoffshore . com or visit our website : www . seasoffshore . com