OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 43

Ahti Hyppönen , Aboa Mare ’ s Lead Instructor for Polar Code training explains the Egg Code .
the content . It is much more effective to learn by watching videos , than by reading written material on your own .
The advantage of educational videos is that a learner can pause the video and watch parts again that he or she didn ’ t understand the first time . In addition , course participants can watch the video regardless of time and place .
As studying online can be quite independent , it is important to bring some interactivity to the course . There are different digital tools for supporting interactive distance learning . We have found that e . g . quizzes and polls are an easy way to bring interactivity to the online course .
The syllabus is sometimes left more open in an e-learning course , so the course participants can explore and develop new ideas and cultivate their critical thinking . The instructor can also consider giving the course participants a variety of options , different ways to accomplish something . This might enhance the course participant ’ s learning process , as there are various learning styles .
Course participants can operate simulators in a virtual classroom
Course participants in different locations can participate in a virtual class and collaborate with the instructor and other course participants . For instance simulator training can be conducted in a virtual class - the participants can operate the simulator remotely , under supervision of the instructor . In virtual simulator training , the course participants can practise and solve highly realistic scenarios . Remote operations also enable us to provide Polar Code Advanced as an online course .
Opportunities and challenges in online education
In an online environment , the course participants are obliged to take more responsibility of their learning . Responses from Polar Code instructors have shown that some parts of the teaching seem easier online . It is for instance easier to share charts and media content online , than in a classroom .
The amount of course participants may be larger in an online course , as there is no need to fit everyone into a classroom . On the other hand , if the group size becomes too large , it may be difficult for the instructor to give guidance to the participants individually . The advantage of online education is also that the costs of travel , accommodation and learning materials come down . Shipping companies can save expenses by letting the employees take online courses , instead of travelling on site .
A challenge with online education might be that course participants have different IT skills or a bad network . Course participants should meet minimum internet speed and display requirements to guarantee course satisfaction . Online education works , as long as the technology is in order and everyone knows how to use it .
An e-learning course is never fully complete
The feedback an instructor gives to a course participant , is just as important as the feedback the participant gives to the instructor about the course . We all develop and learn more constantly .
The experience we have gained so far through the Polar Code Basic e-learning course has been instructive . We will continue to evaluate the course materials and teaching methods and develop them further where needed . As always , the best courses are achieved when developing both on-site and online courses together with our customers .
If you would like to know more about how Aboa Mare Maritime Academy and Training Center can help your company and its operations , please contact us at :
maritime @ aboamare . fi or find us on the web at : www . aboamare . fi