OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 37

The filter assembly above was designed by Amazon Filters . The scope of supply involved a diaphragm plate , cartridge support baskets , retaining plate and cartridges . The internals , manufactured in super duplex stainless steel , support and protect 82 off 60 ” high-flow cartridges for seawater filtration . in filtration to diagnose the root cause and propose rectification solutions .
Poorly designed vessel internals , either not adequately sealed and located in the vessel , or not offering correct support and location to the cartridges , pose a serious threat to the integrity of the filtration process .”
As well as bypass , problems caused by poor design of internals include :
• Cartridges bursting or having to be operated to a lower differential pressure than that for which they originally designed .
• Cartridges becoming un-seated under even small amounts of back pressure due to inadequate retention .
• Excessive clean differential pressure due to poor flow path , which reduces the cartridges ’ operational life .
• Direct impingement of the flow onto the cartridges , with subsequent erosion and potential gross failure .
The design of the pressure vessel is itself critical , not so much to the process , but for operation . Unlike most other vessels which are rarely opened during scheduled maintenance shutdowns , filter housings are frequently opened for replacement of spent cartridges .
With regular filter cartridge change-outs , features such as quick-release closure , properly designed davits , easy to access internals and low weight removable internal components are critical , not just to reducing the number of operator hours required for maintenance , but also to ensuring the safety of the operators .
Left : A well-designed filter housing can have its cartridges changed in less than an hour and returned to service so minimising OPEX and downtime . A poorly designed housing can need more than a day to achieve the same task .
It is far better to procure housings through a reputable filter company who designs and manufactures both filter media and housings , rather than a vessel fabricator or a supplier who only makes one or the other . The reputable company will understand how the equipment will be used and the critical interaction between the filter cartridge and housing .
A properly designed housing may well cost more but the difference in CAPEX is vanishingly small compared to the additional operational expenses , process risk and downtime costs involved in sorting problems associated with poor design .
Padrig said : “ We ’ ve seen many examples where the spend on disposable media in the first two years of a filtration system expected to last for 20 years or more has exceeded the costs of the housings .
And of course , cartridges are usually protecting something with far higher potential costs of replacement .
With a poorly designed housing easily doubling the cartridge usage , the additional 10-20 % premium for properly designed housing can easily repay itself in the first year of operation .
Operators and package providers must therefore understand these risks and specify housings to the appropriate standard , and satisfy themselves that their supplier truly understands both filtration and filter housing design .”
Coalescing technology
The relationship between housing design and filter is even more critical when it comes to coalescing technology , both liquid / liquid and liquid / gas . A perfectly good coalescer cartridge can be rendered useless if installed in an inappropriate housing where velocities result in entrainment and high operating differential pressures .
Amazon Filters has launched a new range of liquid / gas coalescers , the SupaSep LG . These high-performance filters can be supplied complete in a bespoke housing or as consumable retrofits for products such as the Pall Seprasol™ and Parker Peco Dynaceptor™ range . Incorporating a patented process for application of the drainage and anti re-entrainment layers , the filters provide exceptional efficiency and drainage characteristics .
Neil Pizzey , Amazon Filters ’ Managing Director , said : “ We design our solutions to the client ’ s specific requirements combining empirical data with coalescing theory . We have over 100 years of experience in coalescer design . Our engineers work with academics at the forefront of design research . This ensures we always provide the best combination of performance and cost .”
When selecting a process filtration supplier , it is essential to view the design in terms of OPEX and not just capital . A company that specialises in both housing and cartridge design and manufacture will ensure the solution performs to the customer ’ s specification in the most cost-effective manner .
Neil added : “ We have invested substantially in our manufacturing capability to make sure that even in these uncertain times we can provide continuity of supply to all our customers … and some new ones too .” •
To find out more about Amazon Filters ’ solutions for oil and gas , visit :
Amazon Filters .
https :// www . amazonfilters . com / industry / oiland-gas-filtration-solutions
Or call : + 44 ( 0 ) 1276 670 600 .