OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 34


Rugged Micro-Connectors for High- Reliability Petroleum Industry

By Bob Stanton Director of Technology , Omnetics Connector Corp .
Micro Connector and cable systems fit well into electronic tools used in geothermal and petroleum devices used in gravitational detection , magnetometers , and directional sense and controls as well as Measuring While Drilling . ( MWD ).

The quality of electrical signal connections and information services used in functions such as , directional drilling , electromagnetic signaling and even power routing to sensor systems can make or break the success of a drilling event . Microsized sensors and connectors must be tough enough to offer continuous signal integrity while enduring extreme forces of shock and continuous vibration . Sensor systems are often fitted snuggly deep inside the drill string system to sense and measure data from the drilling fluid being pumped down and back up the annulus of the drill string and the casing . Sensor tools in many drilling events can also experience both high temperature and pressure .

Drilling Downhole in North America , temperatures typically run from 150 º C to near 175 º C , and is handled with standard “ hightemperature ” connector and cable systems . In some cases , such as in Australia and the South Pacific , temperatures in downhole drilling can rise to 200 degrees centigrade and become a serious challenge . Specialty MDW connector and cable connectors must be utilized to competently operate the rig and drill system . Position , direction and measurement data being developed while down-in-the-hole with sensors ,
Omnetics Nano-D Connectors . detectors must be processed and routed up to the control center at the surface of the rig .
Micro-Connector and cable for petroleum industry electronics often fall into a few specific categories . As noted earlier , focus is on the combination of being small simultaneously with very rugged . Pin and socket elements within the connectors handle the signal integrity and are responsible for
Directional Drilling Controls .
continuous transmission at low resistance . This is solved in micro-connector design using highly tempered BeCu , ( beryllium-copper ) spring pins tightly interfacing solid cylindrical sockets . These contact elements are fitted into rugged insulator sets that hold their size and shape during temperature and pressure changes . The interconnect system ’ s electrical current capacity is based on the diameter of pin / sockets as well as the current capacity of the wiring . Micro and , in some cases , Nanosized connectors fit well into the down hole system because new sensor and detectors operate well on quite low voltage and current levels and offer solutions in a number of key areas of the Petroleum system .
MWD Controller boards ; use a number of sensors for borehole logging and directional drilling and can include high temperature detection sensors that are critical in gas , oil and geothermal drilling applications . The micro-d connector is a small metal shelled connector with proven shock and vibration performance for years in the down-hole steering sector . Current capacity goes to 3 amps per line . Multiple pin / socket counts are available and the designer can specify temperature ranges from 150 º C to 200 º C . When solder attachment