OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 27

Hughes Zero Power Cooler ® for Emergency Tank Showers

Hughes Zero Power Cooler ® for Emergency Tank Showers

• No electricity required
• Maintenance free
• Zero operational costs
• Suitable for hazardous areas

Only available from Hughes .

Protect the safety of your workforce

Deliver tepid water first time , every time
The effects of solar radiation experienced in the Middle East can make the provision of tepid water to emergency safety showers a challenge . Water outside of the tepid range ( 16-38C ) can scald a casualty and injure them further . Hughes emergency tank showers are available with a choice of 3 cooling options , all retrofittable to existing units . The latest addition to the range , the Hughes Zero Power Cooler ® requires no electricity or maintenance making it ideal for even the most remote locations . Learn more at www . hughes-safety . com / zero-power
With over 50 years of trusted expertise , you can rest assured you ’ re in safe hands . Contact Hughes today to discuss your specific requirements .
Hughes Safety Showers T : + 44 ( 0 ) 161 430 6618 - E : sales @ hughes-safety . com - www . hughes-safety . com
Model shown - EXP-J-14K / 1500 : 1500L Emergency Tank Shower fitted with the Zero Power Cooier ( Patent Pending ). Other chiller options are available .