OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 17

firm rights :
• A number of slots ( loading or reloading times ).
• A storage capacity .
• A minimum and maximum output .
Dunkerque LNG has developed a flexible and competitive service with its customers at the heart of terminal operational management . Certain more specific services are also offered to meet the needs of all of its customers :
• Filling gas tanker holds ( gassing up ).
• Cooling gas tanker holds ( cooling down )
• Inerting gas tanker holds ( inerting ).
• Unloading excess volumes .
OGI : Could you tell us more about your regasification capacity ?
Dunkerque : The Dunkirk LNG terminal has an annual regasification capacity of 13 billion m3 of gas , or around 20 % of annual French and Belgian natural gas consumption . It is the only one to be directly connected to two markets , French and Belgian , thanks to two separate pipelines coming from the Pitgam compressor station .
OGI : Could you talk a bit about your safety and environmental commitments ?
Dunkerque : Dunkirk ’ s LNG terminal is located in the Western Port on a 56-hectare site , equivalent to 80 football pitches , of which 20 hectares have been reclaimed from the sea . It is located on the Clipon site , an artificial dune created around thirty years ago when the Western Dunkirk outer Port was created , on the Loon-Plage commune . Prior to construction , the contracting agent conducted all necessary consultation work at local level . The concerns expressed during the public debate held in 2007 , and the decision to make this large industrial project an example of how environmental requirements can be integrated , led to a number of key technical decisions . These relate in particular to the location of the terminal . The site was therefore moved to the west to preserve sensitive areas .
Compensation measures were also taken by Dunkerque LNG :
• The construction of a habitat for migratory birds on the Gravelines commune , covering an area of 20 hectares , named the “ Hems Saint - Pol sensitive natural area ”.
• The creation of an area located within the confines of the Gravelines nuclear power station , for the preservation of biodiversity , covering an area of 4.5 hectares .
Other installations , implemented by the Dunkirk Major Sea Port and managed by the Nord departmental council , are located adjacent to the site of the terminal :
• The reconstruction of wild bird habitats and dune ecosystems ; the constitution of a preservation area at Clipon Est , including the creation of salt marshes used by birds as a feeding zone .
• The creation of a preservation area , which complements Dunkerque LNG ’ s second measure and provides access arrangements for anglers .
Also , a non-CO2-producing regasification solution was adopted , using 5 % of the warm water produced by the Gravelines nuclear power plant . This measure gives a maximum saving of 436,000 tonnes of CO2 a year . All of the compensatory environmental measures are covered by an order of the prefect dated on the 31st of July 2009 .
Concerning security , it is ensured by a guard post , regulated access , a video surveillance system , an operations team present 24 / 7 and the port and military security brigade in the area .
The terminal is protected against the tsunami risk ( elevation of 10 meters around the platform , sea wall , reinforcement of the dike ). It is also protected against the risk of fire thanks to the presence of a water spray boom on all buildings in the process area . The fire network is supplied by 5 pumps drawing from the sea ( which allows cooling and protection from thermal effects ). The network can also be supplied by tugboat ( dedicated pontoon ).
The terminal design provided for the collection of LNG leaks by gutters connected to safety areas . The tanks are jacketed ( concrete and cryogenic steel ), with entry andexit points on the top . The process is equipped with an automatic emergency stop system and activation of fire protection means .
OGI : Has the Covid-19 situation impacted the LNG business in any way , and if so , how so ?
Dunkerque : Despite the major impact of the coronavirus outbreak in the society , the essential services of Dunkirk LNG terminal remained operational . As one of the key players in the European gas infrastructure , we are responsible for the energy supply of our customers . Public services , households , hospitals and many industries are in need of our energy supplies , now more than ever .
We are proud to have been able to ensure a continued stable gas supply for society and our customers and partners , thanks to the commitment of our teams .
For all our activities , our terminalling activities in Dunkirk , we are carefully complying with the recommendations of
Copyright : Dunkerque LNG – HappyDay .
national authorities in the field of health and safety .
OGI : Finally , could you enlighten our readers about small-scale LNG activities in Dunkirk ?
Dunkerque : LNG is also transported on a smaller scale . This provides for the use of LNG as a fuel and the transportation of energy over shorter distances or to areas without access to electricity , which are not connected to a transportation or gas distribution network .
Ship owners and haulage companies as well as remote industry increasingly choose Liquefied Natural Gas ( LNG ) as alternative low emission fuel . Their supply can now be sourced from the Dunkirk LNG terminal .
Following its commercial entry into service on June 1st , the newly commissioned truck loading bay at the Dunkirk LNG terminal offers a loading capacity of 3,000 slots per year . Using the service is straightforward :
• Customers can book loading slots online 24 / 7 .
• After online training , drivers can fully autonomously load LNG in just 90 minutes .
The increasing demand for cleaner energy in maritime and road transport as well as in the industrial sector has brought LNG to the forefront as an attractive alternative due to its low emission profile . As it goes , switching from heavy fuel oil , diesel , petroleum or coal to LNG not only reduces carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) emissions but also drastically cuts air pollution by virtually eliminating emissions of particulate matter and sulphur ( SOx ), and significantly reducing nitrogen oxide ( NOx ) emissions as well .
The teams at Dunkirk ’ s LNG terminal adapted the existing jetty to take bunker vessels above 5,000 m3 . This work has been carried out last June during the stop of the activity .
We are also considering building a dedicated jetty , depending on how the market develops .
OGI : Thank you for your time . •
Dunkerque LNG - Fluxys https :// www . fluxys . com / en / companydunkerque-lng Copyright : Dunkerque LNG – HappyDay