OGI Autumn 2020 Digital Edition | Page 12


Industrial Internet of Things : Future-Proof

What is the Industrial Internet of Things ( IIoT )?
IIoT is a myriad of interconnected sensors , instruments , and other devices networked together with digital industrial applications . The connectivity created facilitates data collection , exchange , and analysis ; which allows for increased efficiency and increased profits .
Let ’ s use the tank storage sector as a use case to show how IIoT can generate these business benefits . First , we need to think about the vast amount of assets involved in the operation of a sizable tank storage facility . If one were to build an IIoT infrastructure in such a large storage terminal , one would require thousands of physical devices . The purpose of these devices is to transmit data across vast areas to help the operators of these facilities gain critical information and usable data in real time . This data helps them make better , informed decisions regarding maintenance , safety , and general operations .
Current technology has already existed for more than 10 years , but the issue with this technology is that only around 10 % of assets in a tank terminal are actually connected digitally . Leaving a large gap in control , access , and knowledge . Posing the question : How do we connect the other 90 % of assets ?
Enter LoRaWAN
It ’ s all about networking . Unlike the seamless networking transitions that your smart phone makes ( like when switching 4G to Wi-Fi ), the Industrial Internet of Things is slightly more complicated , but more reliable and precise . When talking about thousands of different services connected to thousands of assets in a tank storage terminal , the LoRaWAN communications protocol is what ties everything together .
LoRaWAN is low power , long-range , low cost , and has no lock-ins . It ’ s an open standard that works globally and securely . Admittedly , it has a lower data transfer rate than Wi-Fi for example , but that trade-off is worth it considering the benefits of this particular use case .
TWTG – Futureproof Technology
TWTG , an IIOT hardware company based out of the Netherlands who specialize in helping companies with monitoring and activating critical assets within a business via IoT solutions .
The scalability of solutions is at the forefront of all their thinking ; from product , hardware , and software design , to connectivity and implementation , but also including the retrofitting of existing infrastructure and business models . I ’ s easy to see why companies trust them to be at the forefront of the IIoT sphere . For TWTG , the Industrial Internet of Things is much more than just technology , it ’ s their expertise .
Certified for Use in North American Hazardous Areas
The Federal Communications Commission has recently approved LoRaWAN for use in North America , therefore TWTG has received FM Approval ( explosion safety requirements ) for their NEON temperature and valve sensors .
In collaboration with Vopak , a global leader in oil and gas storage and transport , TWTG has developed their line of valve sensors which can now be used in North American markets . As gas storage systems at times require increasingly higher pressures and temperatures , companies look for costeffective ways of remotely monitoring valve movement . It ’ s becoming less acceptable to have to visually inspect actuators in potentially explosive , and other hazardous areas . Traditional methods of monitoring the open / closed states in valves , with actuators , can help solve this issue , but they are not used widely , because of the costs associated with the technology . Working with TWTG ’ s valve sensors will enable the user to monitor their valves remotely , and significantly save on their expenditure at the same time .
The NEON valve sensors enable users to acquire data from the valve via LoRaWAN connectivity to a monitoring dashboard . The fact that this can be done remotely will save
Left : NEON Temperature Sensor .