Offshore Guidebook | Real Estate Investor Magazine Offshore Guidebook 2014 | Page 27

protection of ownership, the Namibian government can alter the sectors in which foreign nationals may 8. More extensive retail development then becomes feasible Our recent research also indicated that completing licensing requirements to start a new business can exceed 100 days in total and corruption is perceived as extensive. In addition, applying for what is called a Certificate of Status Investment in order to obtain the right to invest in and own properties in Namibia is a lengthy process. Opportunities Thus, property investors and developers should and they are, at present - tap into the development cycle which is play ing itself out in Namibia by contributing at the most appropriate place, inc lud ing bu l k infrastr uct u re development, industrial catalyst development (such a mining infrastructure and container wharf development), housi ng de velopment , reta i l opp or t u n it ie s and tertiary sector (off ice) development. There a re development oppor t unities in a l l of the aforementioned sectors. invest. However, this has not impacted negatively on the property sector as yet and this provision cannot be applied retrospectively. Real estate A substantial contributor towards Namibia’s economic growth during 2012, 2013 and 2014 remains construction activity, both in residential and commercial fixed property. The catalyst for property development in Namibia has been the expanding mining sector and the increased spending on public works by government: both of these has seen the enhanced need for housing, shopping centres, tertiary sector offices and, even, further industrial development. Development in the Namibian property sector is following the typical development model which is globally recognised as comprising the roll out of new property development. Development model 1. A catalyst presents propert y development opportunities 2. Industrial and manufacturing development is usually the first property development to occur 3. Limited residential development then follows 4. Limited social development (including schools, medical centres and places of worship) 5. Retail development follows 6. Office development to accommodate the tertiary business sector then follows 7. More extensive residential developments are then practical Rentals in the commercial property market CATEGORY GROSS RENTAL RATE Retail in Windhoek N$ 220 Retail in Walvis Bay N$ 100 Retail in Oshakati N$ 120 Office in Windhoek N$ 125 Office in Walvis Bay N$ 110 Office in Oshakati N$ 45 Industrial in Windhoek Industrial in Walvis Bay N$ 50 N$ 35 Returns on commercial property CATEGORY RETURN Retail 9.5 % Office 8.2 % Industrial 12 % Returns on commercial property in Namibia correlate to South African returns. However, Namibia does not have a formal property return index, per se, and our research into this aspect (property returns) was conducted by telephone and email and is reliant upon mainly market sentiment. RESOURCES Courtwell Consulting Offshore Handbook 2014 25