Offshore Guidebook | Real Estate Investor Magazine Offshore Guidebook 2014 | Page 12

CURRENCY Productivity While this deteriorating trend flattened out in the mid-2000s, note the stark contrast since 2009, where on average our trading partners’ labour cost has decreased, while South Africa’s has increased substantially. These two economic fundamentals determine the long-term trend of the market, and as can be seen, they both show a deteriorating trend. T he productiv it y pict u re for South A fr ica, especially in recent decades, is not pretty. As Figure 2 illustrates, South Africa’s productivity has deteriorated from 32% of our trading partners in 1971 down to just 10% in 2002. Since then it has recovered, but still remains at under 20% of the productivity of our trading partners based on output (GDP) per capita. Labour costs Impact on the Rand Because of the above decreasing productivit y a nd inc rea sing labou r cost, compa red w it h our trading partners, the Rand had to adjust on average by 5% per annum since 1990 on a trendline basis (actual depreciation to date is 6% per annum) as represented by the blue and red lines in Figure 1, with this trend expected to continue while the economic fundamentals remain intact. However, t h is does not e x pla in t he major swings in trend around fair value, as highlighted by green arrows in Figure 1. And that is because sentiment is the major driver of the markets in the short to medium term and is the cause of these massive swings in price. Understa nd ing t h is is c r it ica l to you r investment decisions and timing, because while you can be right fundamentally, you could lose a lot of value on your Rands all along the way. Figure 3 shows that the Unit Labour Cost in South Africa has increased from 53% of our trading partners in 1991 to 147% in 2011. RESOURCES Dynamic Outcomes To better understand the impact of sentiment, download a free copy of the eBook Why the Rand is Critical to Your Investing Offshore at, where we expose the hidden element that can either ruin your investment decision, or catapult it into your best decision ever. 10 Offshore Handbook 2014