Living The Life
In Seychelles
raditionally, the Seychelles islands have been
experienced exciting revitalisation in the area of
promoted as idyllic holiday destinations
investment and finance.
rather than hot spots for lucrative property
investments. However, the past few years have
Investment – Chief executive of the Seychelles
seen a remarkable shift in perception. Real estate
Investment Bureau, Sherin Renaud, has been
in Seychelles is now increasingly sought after by
quoted saying: “Our ultimate vision is to become
private buyers, long-term tenants and developers
the investment centre of the world.” As ambitious
alike. This once sleepy island paradise – known for
as that sounds, the country is already set to take a
its holiday property - has grown
leap forward in communications
into a bustling hub of industry
with the completion of the fibreSEYCHELLES
and tourism.
optic submarine cable. This will
provide a link between Seychelles
Recently, Seychelles embraced
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