Offshore Guidebook | Real Estate Investor Magazine Offshore Guidebook 2013 | Page 44

CYPRUS FACTS AND FIGURES Total Size Government Controlled Area 5, 456km2 Population 840, 000 Permanent Expats trip itself is personalised, so you will have your own representative from Leptos Estates host you during 9, 248km2 250, 000 South Africans Living In Cyprus 1, 370 (2011 census) VAT Standard Rate 8% Reduced Rate 2 Accessing Europe / the Schengen States Currently a Cypriot visa is required for anyone wishing to enter Cyprus excluding UK, US and EU citizens and passport holders. Although Cyprus is a full member of both the EU and the Schengen Agreement, they have not yet signed the Schengen border/passport control addendum; however this is imminent. Acquiring permanent residency in Cyprus equates to automatic entry into Cyprus; and when the Schengen addendum is signed, access will extend to the other Schengen States. 18% Reduced Rate 1 5% Zero Rate 0% PERSONAL TAX Up to €19, 500 0% €19, 501 - €28, 000 20% €28, 001 - €36, 300 25% €36, 301 - €60, 000 30% €60, 001 + 35% CGT 20% Exempt : transfer on death; gifts between spouses, parents, children & relatives up to 3rd degree etc. Deductions 1st €85, 430 ESTATE DUTY Nil PROPERTY TAX Annual Immovable Property Tax (rates) VALUE OF PROPERTY % TAX CUM. TAX €1 - €40, 000 0.6% €240 €240 €40, 001 - €120, 000 0.8% €640 €880 €120, 001 - €170, 000 0.9% €450 €1, 330 €170, 001 - €300, 000 1.1% €1, 430 €2, 760 €300, 001 - €500, 000 1.3% €2, 600 €5, 360 €500, 001 - €800, 000 1.5% €4, 500 €9, 860 €800, 001 - €3, 000, 000 1.7% 37, 900€ €47, 260 €3, 000, 001 and over 1.9% TRANSFER DUTY VALUE OF PROPERTY % TAX CUM. TAX €1 - €85, 000 3% €2, 550 €2, 550 €85, 001 - €170, 000 5% €4, 250 €6, 880 €170, 001 + 8% CORPORATE TAX 12,5% the trip in order to make your time both an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Your agent will be at your disposal to address any queries that you may have on a one-on-one basis. As a permanent resident in Europe, staying in any country in the EU is limited to 90 days at a time. This is a border / passport control requirement to monitor movement and is applicable to all EU permanent residents. Looking ahead Cyprus’ real estate environment hasn’t been as dramatically affected as the rest of Europe because of its small size in comparison and the limited supply of land. On the contrary, the lifestyle aspects of the island, strong tourism industry, stable economy and booming natural gas industry make this island an investor’s paradise and an ideal place to acquire residency. In Cyprus the lifestyle really is the best of the best. Living is laidback - you set your own pace. And what better place to do this, than where the blue skies meet the Mediterranean Sea: on the beautiful island of Cyprus. RESOURCES Cypriot Realty 42 Offshore Handbook 2013