What does it mean that Table Rock Lake is operated by the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers ?
Table Rock Lake was formed by the damming of the White River for flood control purposes . The U . S . Army Corps of Engineers operates the public use areas and manages the shoreline and lake levels . There is a strip of land around the lake that is owned and managed by the government ; homeowners do not own the property along the shoreline ( in most cases ) when the lake is at normal pool .
Where are public use areas around the lake ?
Table Rock Lake has public boat launches , swim areas and campgrounds located around the lake . A small day-use fee is required to use these areas . A map of these areas is available from the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers or at the Table Rock Lake Chamber of Commerce office . These are the best places to access the lake to swim or launch your boat .
Can I lease or rent a boat slip ?
Private or community dock slips may not be used by anyone other than the slip owner . Boat slips are available for lease from area marinas , and you can locate a list of marinas in the back of this guide .
Does the lake have opening and closing hours ?
Table Rock Lake is a public body of water , open 24 hours a day , 365 days a year . Public use areas may have posted hours .
Is there a speed limit on the lake ?
During daylight hours , there is no stated speed limit ; however , it is illegal to operate a motorboat or personal watercraft at speeds that may cause danger , injury , damage , or unnecessary inconvenience . Be aware of and obey all regulatory markers , including those marked as “ idle speed ” or “ no wake .” From a half-hour
48 after sunset until one hour before sunrise , it is illegal to operate a motorboat or PWC in excess of 30 miles per hour . Personal water craft can ’ t be operatred between sunset and sunrise without the required navigational lights .
Are there boat size restrictions for Table Rock Lake ?
There are no restrictions or limitations regarding boat size on Table Rock Lake .
Can I bring my own boat to use at Table Rock Lake ?
You are welcome to bring your own personal watercraft . There are public launch sites around the lake , or the lodging property where you are staying may also have a launch and slips available .
Can I rent a boat or jet ski ?
Yes , around the lake you will find several marinas that have watercraft rentals available . There is a list of marinas in the back of this guide . Many of the area ’ s resorts also have rentals available for their guests .
Can anyone drive a boat or jet ski on Table Rock Lake ?
The Missouri State Water Patrol , a division of the Missouri State Highway Patrol , requires every person born after January 1 , 1984 , or as required pursuant to section 306.128 , who operates a vessel on the lakes of this state to possess , on the vessel , a boating safety identification card issued by the Water Patrol Division of the Missouri State Highway Patrol or its agent .
What does a no-wake zone mean ?
A “ No Wake ” zone means that boats must reduce to the slowest speed they can travel while still maintaining the ability to steer and make forward progress . When vessels move at these speeds , they produce a minimum wake . It is illegal to operate a motorboat or personal
VisitTableRockLake . com
Resources :
Handbook of Missouri Boating Law and Responsibilities online at the Missouri State Highway Patrol website , mshp . dps . missouri . gov / or at the Table Rock Lake Chamber of Commerce office , 14226 State Hwy . 13 , Kimberling City , MO 65686
U . S . Army Corps of Engineers Table Rock Lake Shoreline Management Plan , swl . usace . army . mil
watercraft at speeds greater than “ idle speed ” or “ no-wake speed ” within 100 feet of a dock , an anchored vessel or a buoyed restricted area . Areas around commercial marinas are always no-wake zones . Be a courteous boater and watch your wake !
Can I put my own dock or boat slip on the lake ?
Shoreline Use Permits from the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers are required for all private floating facilities , including docks . A request must be submitted to the Table Rock Lake Office for any new or modification to an existing floating facility . Contact the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers for more information . The U . S . Army Corps of Engineers can be reached at ( 501 ) 340-1950 .
Can I build or clear land along the shoreline ?
U . S . Army Corps of Engineers permits are necessary for any work , including construction and dredging , in the Nation ’ s navigable waters . The Corps balances the reasonably foreseeable benefits and detriments of proposed projects and makes permit decisions that recognize the essential values of the Nation ’ s aquatic ecosystems to the general public , as well as the property rights of private citizens who want to use their land . Always check with the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers before doing any work on government property .