OFFICIAL Sex and Marriage g38 | Page 5


Is there help for sexual problems in a marriage? Yes there is, there are things you can do to help your sexual problems in your marriage.

1. Talk to your partner, be honest, open, and direct. I know discussing intimate things can sometimes be embarrassing, but you need to know what each other are thinking, wanting, and feeling. Try to put the embarrassing feeling behind you.

2. The theory that men know everything about making love and pleasing a woman is not true. No two women are alike. There is no way your man can know what you feel, what really turns you on, and what you need to have an orgasm, unless you communicate and let him know. The same goes for women. Talk to your man and find out what he likes, what really turns him on, and what he needs to have an orgasm.

3. It has always been said that the man should be the one to start the love making. Throw that theory out of the window. Some men like when their woman takes control and starts the love making. Ladies don't just lay there while your man does everything. Respond to him, take control, and let him lay their while you do everything. That will often lead to a boring sex life and cause your sex life to go down hill very quickly.

4. Try showing your partner what you would like for him or her to do. Sometimes explaining what you would like isn't enough. He or she may not understand. When making love, guide each others hands, whisper things in each others ear about what you would like at that moment. When your partner does something you like, let him or her know by your response.

5. Try new things from time to time. Having the same sexual routine every time often becomes boring and that is another reason sex in a marriage goes down hill quick. For example some couples do the exact same thing every time. First oral sex, then intercourse and that's it. There are many things that you and your partner can try. You can find books and things on the internet to give you ideas of new things to try.

6. Try to avoid making sex a chore. If you have to plan it because your schedule is so full, you will have problems. Having kids can often put a strain on your sex life. But there are ways around that. Take a two day vacation every so often. Relax and enjoy each other. When the kids go off to spend the night with someone, be lazy and lay around together all night. Forget the dishes and laundry, you can do them when the kids are home.

7. Try writing each other letters. Write letters and explain how you feel, tell each other your fantasies. Everybody has fantasies and discussing and living out your fantasies can give you an exciting sex life.

8. Read self help books together. Discuss the books with each other. For example there is a book called "203 Ways to Please Your Man". Read this book and talk with your partner about it. Ask him or her how would a certain thing make them feel. Ask him or her would they like to try something that is in the book. Tell him or her that you would like to try something and ask them how they feel about it. you have sexual problems