Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 9
Officeworks Albany
(WA state winner)
The team were really proud of
all of our achievements over the
past year. Being a regional store
we only have a small team which
makes our store culture that much
more important. This year we are
focusing on engaging with our local
community to help make bigger
things happen where we work
and live.
Amy Wilson
(Store Business Manager)
Pictured top left
Business team
of the Year
Buying Team
of the Year
It was fantastic to get some
recognition for all of the hard
work that the team put in to achieve
our great results in FY17. As I said
on the night, I just want to call
out that many people across the
business were instrumental in helping
us achieve our results. From our
Global Sourcing and Brand teams,
to Visual Merchandise and Supply
Chain, and of course the store
teams who execute our plans –
a huge thank you!
Darren Bryan
Pictured above
The Victoria Area 2 Business
Specialist External Team is made
up of team leader Dana Walton
plus James Carpenter, Karren
Saddleton and Heath Thyer.
The team had a fantastic FY17
across several areas including
beating their target by 38.9% and
also a massive 39.7% sales uplift
over the previous year. They are
a small team who produced a
massive result.
Dana Walton
(Business Area Manager)
Pictured bottom leftt