Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 39
secret life
Scott’s right
on track!
Scott McKechnie is a Team Member
at Officeworks Woolloongabba
(Qld) and a full time student
studying a Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours), with majors in Mechanical
Engineering and Motor Racing
Vehicle Design at Queensland
University of Technology (QUT).
When at work, you can find him
helping customers in the Print and
Copy department. In his spare time
however, you will find Scott working
on racing cars!
Scott is also the President of QUT
Motorsport, a student-run race team
that designs, manufactures and tests
their own open-wheeled race car to
compete against other universities
across the globe.
QUT Motorsport is a club for more
than just engineering students. They
are a team of 50 students, consisting
of accountants, programmers,
photographers, film makers, industrial
designers, aerospace, electrical and
mechanical engineers all working
towards one goal: creating a race
car to compete in Formula-SAE
Australasia in December every year.
“I oversee the logistics of the team,
work with the Project Manager
and Treasurer to ensure we stay on
track,” Scott says.
Officeworks has helped
me hone my sales
skills, and has given
me the confidence to
approach sponsors.
“The project is QUT’s Electric Vehicle,
Version 1 (QEV1), an all-electric race
car. We race down in Melbourne at
Calder Park against the best and
brightest in Australasia.”
Being a part of QUT Motorsport
presents many exciting
opportunities, including welcoming
new members.
“Welcoming the new members
every year is so much fun,”
Scott says.
“They’re new to uni life, excited to
get involved, make friends and build
something great!”
Store Business Manager Zoe Cairns
gave a glowing review of his efforts
within the Woolloongabba store.
“Scott is an enthusiastic and
engaged member of our team who
continually seeks out challenges
and development opportunities,”
Zoe says.
“Scott actively pursued more Print &
Copy experience and his passion for
excellence and teamwork abilities
has helped make bigger things
happen for our customers.”
Scott has openly embraced the
hustle and bustle within Print & Copy,
and has expressed how his day to
day experience at Officeworks has
given him an advantage in and out
of the big blue box.
“Officeworks has helped me hone
my sales skills, and has given me the
confidence to approach sponsors.”
Scott’s dream job is to manage a
team of engineers. His passion lies in
delivering projects more than “being
on the tools”.
You can follow Scott and the
QUT Motorsport team on
Twitter at @QUTMotorsport, and on
Instagram at @qutmotorsport.