Officeworks Pinpoint magazine OFW11016 Pin Point_Issue26 16Oct17 FINAL LR | Page 16

Tassie hosts Restoring Australia launch Since launching Restoring Australia to the team internally at the Half Yearly Leadership Roadshow, we have now planted 105,000 seeds or seedlings across Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. Each planting season (June – September) we will be planting at least 200,000 trees. inspire you to communicate this with your customers, family and friends. If you have not yet watched the internal video we encourage you to do this via Onet and visit for more information on the initiative. We hope both the video and website “It was great to see the impact this initiative will have on, not only Tasmania, but Australia wide for years to come. I’ve never experienced filming before, so it was interesting to see all the 16 The video stars our Launceston Team Member, Kym Sharpe. “I had the privilege of going behind the scenes at the Restoring Australia Initiative and the external launch,” Kym says. work that which goes into filming. I was there for four days in total, which just goes to show how much footage was captured but unfortunately couldn’t be squeezed into a four minute video. It was also exciting to see Greening Australia, Officeworks and the local farmers come together and share their passion to help launch this important next step in Officeworks’ environmental future and I’m really excited to start educating our customers to help them make better environmental decisions.”