Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volumn 2013 | Page 59

Resources The following resources provide extra information, support, or services related to workplace bullying and harassment. WorkSafeBC makes no warranty as to the ability, suitability, or availability of the organizations listed or their business practices. WorkSafeBC does not recommend those organizations listed over any organizations not listed. WorkSafeBC makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the list of organizations. This list is subject to change at any time without notice. WorkSafeBC assumes no liability for any damage or loss suffered as a result of any inaccuracy in or incompleteness of the list of organizations. WorkSafeBC assumes no liability for any damage or loss suffered as a result of any failure or negligence on the part of any organization listed or any agent for any organization listed. Anyone contemplating engaging any organization listed should make their own inquiries and decisions regarding the suitability and ability of any organization listed, and should make their own investigations regarding possible alternative organizations not listed. B.C. Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Responsible for Labour offers ??????????????????????????????????????????)????????????????????????????????) ???????? ????????=???????????!?????????M????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????) ?????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)I??????????%???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????((??()Q?????????????????????((0